It's about the Rori Raye interview again on A Braveheart View about the feminine energy and how women need to tap into it.
Feminine energy as covered in a previous post, is not exclusive to us women. In fact, it's the side we most appreciate in men ... kindness, gentleness, able to show his feelings and so on.
With us, our masculine side is on show when we're in the "doing or taking charge" mode and that's usually at work whether it's in or outside the home. And it's hard for us to put that side to bed - no pun intended - when we're on a date.
Feminine energy is "... receptive, yielding, open and naturally connected to life, love, spirit and all that is. When we are truly being, truly connected and allowing the grace of life to flow through us, we are living our feminine energy.
We are connected to the energies of love and compassion that flow through us."
So what is masculine energy? It's also present in both sexes. It is active, expressive and outgoing... manifesting life through action and outward movement. When fear drives us, it's easy to get stuck in this energy, believing that our constant doing will in some way control our outcomes.
It is common for men and women alike to completely overlook the power of the being energy letting let fear drive our masculine power to extremes. This can mean fierce conflict and competition, defensiveness and aggression."
The above definitions were taken from Joey Walter's Mission Coach site which is listed at the bottom of this post.
So did that explanation ring any bells ladies because it sure did for me and it's right on the money too, don't you think.
Rori Raye says that in order to have the relationship you really want, you have to tap into your feminine energy when dating and:
- Stop playing games.
- Relax and be yourself. In other words, be real. This will allow the man to get through to your heart. It's off-putting for a guy when you're still in your action/masculine-oriented energy after hours.
- Do not play hard to get. It does not work.
- Focus on who you are and your feelings. Women are so good at thinking that they close off their feelings from men and continue to act in their masculine role. Mainly because they feel vulnerable and don't want to look weak. But then the man can't get close to see who you are inside, can he.
- Effortless effort is needed ladies. Be true to yourself, your ideals, needs and wants. When you try too hard you tend to overdo. Too bubbly or too demure; the act becomes your armor and mask.
- If you're feeling desperate, then you're sending the wrong signals and will attract the wrong type of man. Your desperation is coming from a lack of self confidence and low self-esteem. Some professional help might be useful here.
Never ever pursue a man. You will never know how he truly feels if you do.
- Relax and give the guy the room he needs to move towards you.
- Be pro-active. That means you've got to get out of the house. And if a guy smiles at you admiringly in the market, don't freeze him out, smile back at him!
- If a guy calls, texts, or beeps you. Respond in the same manner.
- The good touchy-feely, hanky-panky stuff starts after 3 dates and by that she means, one date per week. In between, communicate via text messages, emails, etc.
- Your weight issues are irrelevant. If you are tapped into your feminine energy then you're all female woman and he will see that and be attracted by it.
All the information you need is there but in a new context which makes it more interesting, don't you think. This was a good reminder on do's and dont's of the dating game for us all.
More information on feminine energy:
Rori's interview on dating
Trans4Mind - this blog post is long and well worth the read
I would appreciate your feedback on a situation. How do I protect myself from people who are into connecting energy and draining my feminine energy for their personal sexual enjoyment and toxic dumping. This is very toxic behavior used by people who abuse religion and by people for personal satifaction in a relationship in their relationship and dumping. THis abuse is practiced by men and women. Is there a resource. With Gratitude.
You have to be clear in order to see the situation as it is. (1) Use the Body-Talk your brain technique.
It harmonizes both halves of your brain. Makes you feel up and increases your energy and you think and feel better. It only takes 2 minutes max.
Practise it every day for at least 3 months especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Do it whenever you feel stressed, low in spirit or negative for any reason. I've been using it for a while now and the difference in how I think and feel are amazing.
(2) Then you need to understand what it is about you that is attracting energy suckers into your life. This is not a criticism so don't take it as such. As I'm sure you realise, you can only work on yourself. You cannot "fix" anyone else. You are one who must change. When you do, it's always for the better and you will start attracting people in your life who build you, support you and bring out the best in you. If that's what you want.
There are many non-invasive techniques but I would suggest the emotional freedom technique (EFT) for you - it's like acupuncture but without the needles. It's easy to do on your own as well but in your case find an EFT practitioner in your city first for a first meeting.
Be real about how you feel, then you can always do phone sessions afterwards if you wish when you understand what's needed for you.
I believe EFT would work for you because you are ready to make a change. It works by uncovering the REAL emotional issue for the dysfunction that is creating pain in your daily life.
I have been using it to work on myself since March: I never knew I was that screwed up but I got rid of tons of emotional garbage and it's a clearer day now.
Here's a link to some posts to learn more about EFT -
(3) I strongly suggest you start practising meditation. Take 20 minutes every day for yourself in a calm and quite place and just sit there. You could also try these guided meditation techniques to see which work best for you - Keven Schoeninger's The Core Technique, and Burt Goldman's The Daisy Pond.
The Silva Method also has a fantastic free "Centering Exercise" which teaches you how to meditate. All are free. The links to these 3 methods can be found in this post:
Love and life, my dear.
PS. If you want to know more or if anything I've said is not clear, give me a shout.
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