Sometimes a thought has a magnetic pull, as if it wants more of your consciousness. It wants to grow, because it's a little entity. It wants attention and it tries to get it in subtle ways. It might even use a bodily feeling. "I'm hungry suddenly." Then presence is gone, and you're gone, looking for a restaurant in your mind...
Home » Archives for 2011
31 Oct 2011
When Presence is Gone and You're Lost in Your Mind

17 Oct 2011
Take A Leap of Faith and Never Look Back - There's Nothing Worth Seeing

I had a flash of insight during a lucid dream one night after watching the movie Inception.
In the dream, I was sitting on a sparkling white horse - my totem animal in real life - in the midst of a muddy, tumbling, raging river infested with crocodiles and it's at that point that my lucid dreaming started. In other words I "woke up".
My trusty steed crushed the head of the nearest monster croc and that made the others glide away in fear. We then leapt up onto a ledge of ruined houses of out harms way.
My Vantage Point
I was so glad to be safe from my vantage point up above because when I looked down below at the raging river waters and monsters, I was stumped for what to do next. There was nowhere to go from the ledge except across a yawning, bottomless-seeming depth in front of me.
How the hell was I going to get over there? It seemed uncrossable from the ruins where we stood but I had to get over there, somehow.
My Leap of Faith
I had to take that leap of faith because I had no other choice. I could not stay stuck up there. It looked impossible and I had no wings, so I let go and allowed my horse to take charge.
He (his name is private) leapt into the air and I, like the coward I am, closed my eyes and held on. The ride seemed to take an awful long time so I had to open my eyes to see. We were in mid-air and my horse had grown wings on its hooves; now how fly is that!
My flash of Insight
It was as if all I had left behind (my past) was unimportant, gone. It had no shape, smell or substance. It seemed to have become illusory.
Sure, I could imagine what was back there because I had lived it and I could add on a lot more crapola and really turn the screw on myself as all we masochistic humans do but it would still only be in my head.
The fact was that my particular trials had ended - I left it behind by taking that leap of faith - and looking back served no purpose at all. It was a waste of time.
What do you think? Have you had dreams like this or insights which really "woke" you up? Do tell.
10 Oct 2011
Satisfying My Real Hunger for Solace - Silence, Music, Breathwork and Nature

I had another epiphany this morning then ended up listening to a channelled meditation and interestingly enough, it was about abundance.
My emotional disarray
When I feel I am in an emotional disarray as I call it, I eat more than I normally do then beat myself up saying shite like I should stop spending money on food I do not need and cannot afford to waste cash like that.
Now, I normally eat once or twice a day (and don't get any ideas that I'm slim and trim - I'm not - my body is just not as fat as it used to be) so when I find myself eating three meals a day it is too much for me and it makes me feel heavier than my extra nine kilos (20 pounds) - that bugs the hell out of me.
Of course, the emotional eating is always linked to my unfulfilled desires, frustration and low funds. It all spells lack of abundance thinking and results in a low cash flow. That is a significant aha! moment right there people!
Excess eating cannot fill the void
Another aha! moment occurred when I realised that I believed that it was because of my lack of cash that I should not be spending i.e. wasting money on food I do not need being fully aware that the excess eating could not fill the void (hunger) that I felt.
I never saw until that moment that my emotional eating and low cash flow always occurred together. Better said would be my fuckuptedness makes me look at the money I have and think it is not enough and as you know, when a thought like that takes hold it results in exactly what you believe to be true!
Poverty consciousness
Like most adults, I inherited my poverty consciousness and fear of not having enough money to take care of myself from my mother and those around her because of course, she attracted people with the same vibrational energy as her own.
Image by billydl via Flickr
I have been battling this disturbing feeling for years because I knew it was not normal for me until I understood one day that I needed to grasp the "why" of it in order to untangle myself from its coils because any thing you fight usually wins. Please remember this.
I began the process - can't say when exactly - and it is a work in progress. This is the latest piece of the puzzle.
It is not about the money!
Anyway, this piece slotted itself into place when I realised with great shock that the money I was spending on meals - always healthy which is a huge change for me - was never the issue. How the hell could I have missed that... but I did.
I know this may seem obvious to some but when you are living it you do not see the trees anymore because you are in the forest and thus the self-flagellation continues.
Anyway, my favourite 'Professor' Bob Proctor said in one of his books, it is not about the money and he was right; it has never been about the money.
Money is only incidental to what I am living now. The issue is lack of abundance thinking which results in no money.
The sticky maze
I have been suffering the fires of the damned because I hate feeling that my life is out of control, that what I want is unattainable and I cannot seem to find my way out of this sticky maze.
Either I decide to allow my vibrational escrow to manifest itself or I live paycheck to paycheck continually underpaid due to the economic climate. In other words, I need the job but I got to be me, real as real can be an most people do not like or appreciate that but what the hell.
Since this is so glaring, how come I did not see it till this morning. I guess I was ready...
Enough with the sturm und drang
After living through two nights of stinging wasp attacks (in dreams) and a mosquito invasion under the covers (not a bite next morning) and sweating bullets like a horse on wonderfully cool nights, it was time to stop the crap. I let go.
You have to take a step back, be honest with yourself and observe instead of participating in the constant sturm und drang (storm and stress) that we inflict upon ourselves.
And that is how I ended up taking some quiet time out with some trees at my back and listening to some wonderful channelled music.
3 Oct 2011
Empower Yourself - Make Changes in Your Life That You Desire

I think this new decade is all about following that urge that we have been stifling for decade and let it take charge. You already know what you want and thought it may seem easier said than done, that is just our left brain, logical self talking with the ego hard-wired in to keep us safe and thus make no changes.
Ignore it - empower youself and take charge of your life today!
We can feel purposeful and empowered when we become clear about our life's direction. Any dissatisfaction we feel about our lives can express itself as irritability or restlessness. If we can take time to explore these feelings and identify their underlying case, we can begin making different choices to improve our circumstances.
We begin to feel empowered because we have a purpose and our restlessness disappears. Explore any uncomfortable feelings you have today, and you can empower yourself to make the changes in your life that you desire. DailyOM
26 Sept 2011
Let Your Desire for Feeling Good Be Your Guiding Light

Be easy about it. Don't rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that you are making; and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it.
Let your desire for pleasure — your desire for feeling good — be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And, under those conditions, only good can come to you; and only good can come from you.--- Abraham
23 Sept 2011
Tune Into Your Intuitive Wisdom and Release Irrational Fears

By tuning into our intuitive wisdom, we can release irrational fears and take greater control over our lives. The source of our feelings can often be vague, which can leave us feeling uncertain about our choices.
If we simply take the time to get connected with our intuition, we gain a better understanding of ourselves and our emotions. If we discover that our fears are justified, we can use that knowledge to make wiser choices for ourselves, and if we discover that our feelings are caused by irrational fears, we can work through them and release them.
The end result is that we feel much more in control of our emotions and our lives. By seeking a greater understanding of your emotions today, you will gain the freedom of confidence in every interaction. DailyOm
16 Sept 2011
Baby Steps on the Road to a New Life

Living on the streets is definitely not living and that is where I ended up after being kicked out of the so-called family house with all my worldly belongings which fit into 2 travel bags.
Using a drain as your toilet at night only, the effort to keep clean and change my underwear even without a shower, constantly roaming the environs and starting to evaluate likely spots for a rest or sleep, eyeing every stranger that passed with suspicion as darkness fell, and eye-balling the blackened and dirty vagrants and wondering when I would become like them was all part of the street life.
Hunger does not set in until days later. I discovered like to bored youngsters we often observe that you can nurse a sugary drink all day especially when it is your only meal. The absence of resources and a solid meal does not occupy your mind right away.
You are initially consumed, as I was, by the emotional fallout like a nuclear blast that destroys all that is familiar and its attendant consequences.
It is a whole new world out there where we street people do not exist and those that prey upon us have all the power.
How did I end up using a terminal in a library? My very powerful smartphone's battery was on its last leg and I guess I had a kernel of faith left because I was planning to turn it off that particular day. I had no one to call and it seemed of no use to me and then it rang.
It was my brother calling to ask after my welfare. I told him about my new home and used my last few dollars to meet him in his old jalopy that could not travel far in the next town.
He fed me my first solid meal in a long time - I did not tell him that - and for the next 2.5 months that followed until I found a poorly paid but welcome job that put food on my table and he took me to Social Services who cover my room rental.
The kindness of strangers that came to my assistance since that fateful day mean more to me that my birth family ever could. They have taught me about the kindness of strangers.
»» read more
When there is no on to call and you have exhausted all avenues from imposing on first time acquaintances, contacted all the shelters in towns and elsewhere, there is nowwhere left to go but the streets.
Sitting up sleeping in the city's bus terminal and leaving just before they kick you out is pitiful. Then trudging off and about with your designer bag and Macbook which got heavier by the hour makes you question the need for such an instrument and Internet and all the other stuff.
The moment came when abandoning it, my only contact with the outside world was mandatory; I could not eat it anyway.
Drifting about town with a bag of clothing, putting on an act in a city hotel just to be able to use the washroom to freshen up and feel human felt demeaning. I was fooling no one.
Those first little sojourns made me wonder how women dealt the feminine hygiene issues and the lack of water.
Heart palpitations every night from anxiety attacks were extremely painful. That pounding in your chest custs your breath and when you try to breathe your back and left side hurt so bad you wonder if breathing is mandatory.
At first, I used to wonder what woke me from my dozing because you do not really sleep - to sleep you have to be relaxed.
The worst of my time living on the streets which excludes being protected from gang rape by a security agent in my little calm corner behind a five-star hotel, was the superhuman effort to not allow the feeling of loss and devastation and resulting tears to fall.
Because I knew that once that dam was breached, I was finished.
I had already abandoned any pretence that someone would help me. That was no one.
You are initially consumed, as I was, by the emotional fallout like a nuclear blast that destroys all that is familiar and its attendant consequences.
It is a whole new world out there where we street people do not exist and those that prey upon us have all the power.
How did I end up using a terminal in a library? My very powerful smartphone's battery was on its last leg and I guess I had a kernel of faith left because I was planning to turn it off that particular day. I had no one to call and it seemed of no use to me and then it rang.
It was my brother calling to ask after my welfare. I told him about my new home and used my last few dollars to meet him in his old jalopy that could not travel far in the next town.
He fed me my first solid meal in a long time - I did not tell him that - and for the next 2.5 months that followed until I found a poorly paid but welcome job that put food on my table and he took me to Social Services who cover my room rental.
Thank you Papy James for the lounge chair and the incredible succour and support from your family.
Thank you Kenneth and his family for feeding and sheltering me during those months and the restful green of the countryside which was a balm to my heart and soul.
And finally, thanks to Amber and her brother Johnny for the on again, off again job and the room, providing me with the space to find my feet as I take the baby steps on the road to a new life.
It's all good!
11 Jul 2011
Listen To Your Body - Let It Go and Be Well Right Away

Think about that little smear that starts out as the human body, and then there's a nose and a liver and a gizzard, oh, not a gizzard... All that stuff that is present and knows how to become this. There's so much knowledge within the human body. You're wanting to free the human body's knowledge to be well from the resistance that has been picked up along this physical trail.
The very best approach to medicine is,"Well, I see your physical body is sick, what's been bothering you? What are you worried about? What are you angry about? What are you frustrated about?"
Because that is what is at the root of all of this. And then say, "Let it go, let it go, let it go." That's the message, and if they could hear you and do that, then they would all be well right away. ~Abraham/Hicks
24 Jun 2011
TODAY's MESSAGE - Look For Positive Aspects in Others

As you deliberately look for positive aspects in others who surround you, you will train your Vibrational propensity into increasing improved Vibrations. So it does not matter how many negative thoughts you have thought before, or how long you have been negatively focused.
You can deliberately focus—right now—on an improved thought. ~Abraham-Hicks
21 Jun 2011
Affirmation For Being Your Authentic Self

Theo Affirmation for being your authentic self:
I am whole, healthy, functioning perfectly in alignment to my soul and open and receptive to that alignment now. From AskTheo Live Radio Show
16 Jun 2011
That Space Between Thoughts – It Brings Enlightenment When We Need It

I did not set out to discover this. It came about because of my feelings of alienation and incredible frustration about my current living conditions and the fact that I have not yet found another job after 8 months at fifty three years of age!
And please, no commiserations or palliatives about other people in worse circumstances – my welfare is all that interests me right now.
At my age the best is yet to come – fifty is the new thirty after all and I have so much to offer – but instead I feel like a loser. It is precisely because of this angst that I became aware of this waiting silence inviting me - us - to explore it.
You are not your thoughts. You only lose what you cling to. ~Buddha
The first time it happened was just after treading the well-worn path of my circular thoughts about my unsatisfactory life and I felt worn down. Something made me look up and I found myself staring at an opening as if a door had been left ajar into a pitch black, depthless space inside.
Then it disappeared just as fast as it appeared but it left an indelible impression. I had a flash of insight just then before it winked out of existence but I did not write it down so it disappeared.
I did not pay that incident any mind at first as I am accustomed to seeing strange things but my angst was such I kept trying to connect with something larger than myself for help.
That space between thoughts reappeared and hung around. I could actually see it in my mind's eye so I decided to check it out. A few minutes pause in that space feels like a very long time indeed. It is only my first conscious sojourn that I understood it was a "door" in my mind.
Then it disappeared just as fast as it appeared but it left an indelible impression. I had a flash of insight just then before it winked out of existence but I did not write it down so it disappeared.
I did not pay that incident any mind at first as I am accustomed to seeing strange things but my angst was such I kept trying to connect with something larger than myself for help.
That space between thoughts reappeared and hung around. I could actually see it in my mind's eye so I decided to check it out. A few minutes pause in that space feels like a very long time indeed. It is only my first conscious sojourn that I understood it was a "door" in my mind.
To be more precise, it is the pause between one thought and the next allowing me to touch that in-between space.
That understanding was so awesome – I love love love these kind of mind-benders! Over the following days that space expanded.
Do not ask me "how" it happened because I do not know; maybe it was time for me to stop "doing" and start "being". I was asking the Universe for help after all.
And if the next question is how do I enter that space, I cannot explain except to say I just decide to. It feels like a meditation break for want of a better description. I just... pause and I'm there wherever "there" is.
That understanding was so awesome – I love love love these kind of mind-benders! Over the following days that space expanded.
Do not ask me "how" it happened because I do not know; maybe it was time for me to stop "doing" and start "being". I was asking the Universe for help after all.
And if the next question is how do I enter that space, I cannot explain except to say I just decide to. It feels like a meditation break for want of a better description. I just... pause and I'm there wherever "there" is.
The heart of the universe does not have a particular location; it's not somewhere out there. It is concealed in every being. ~Eckhart Tolle
I still do not know anything special by the way but I have noticed that I sometimes experience more waking dreams, very clear responses to whatever is on my mind, and insight into certain situations come really fast.
Another "happening" soon followed. I now "see" what I call the blank canvas or silent backdrop behind our daily activities. I realise now that it has also been there for a while so here goes my attempts to describe this one.
You know when you're out walking on the beach, among trees, walking, running, listening to whatever music moves your soul and so on and you begin to feel uplifted and peaceful at the same time?
Well, it is that vast quietness behind everything that I call the silent backdrop.
Think of a power blackout. It is only then we understand how much noise our electrical and electronic equipment and appliances make; masking the silence.
The quiet is palpable and a dog's barking resounds.
All noises made by daily activities are magnified down to the cutlery's movement on the plate. It is that silent backdrop I am talking about.
Those are my best explanations.
This silence is constantly masked by our mental, physical and mechanical noises. Now, I commune with this silence any time – it is there for you and I to tap into by any means, be it walking, sitting quietly, doing breathwork, meditation etc.
Another question that came to my mind was is this blank canvas, this silent backdrop and the space between thoughts one and the same? My answer is I have no idea and I don't really care but if I ever get the answer, I will either update this post or write a new one.
All I can suggest is that you tune out the noise, internal and external, and focus on what brings you peace.
Shamanic drumming was the only constant linking these two events. I have been listening to it every day and night day for the past few months from a Dutch Shaman Stefan Shuem. He said it would remove deep-seated negativity developed in childhood which is still ruling our adult lives. So I thought why not give it a try.
I want to believe it had an influence on my subconscious which is where all change takes place but again, that is not important to me. I am just putting it out there for your information.
So tell me, have you ever experienced anything like this or similar to my experiences? I would love you to comment about it.
More for your reading leisure:
- William Horden: The Tao of Enlightenment (
- Lisa Arie: Can Admitting Vulnerability Make Us Stronger? (
- Exploring Spaciousness: Experiencing Peace (
- William Horden: The Short Path of Sudden Enlightenment
- Natasha Dern: Why Do We Fear An Empty Mind?
- Douglas Labier: How To Evolve In Your Life time
15 Jun 2011
My 7 Most Profound Posts on Being Authentic

It is impossible to run away from who we are so we had better take charge, drop the charades, the masks, the games, accept what is, learn to have fun and live and enjoy now.
A positive vibe is always beneficial. And enjoy the
bliss of silence, it deepens your spirituality.
1- Composing Bliss — a typically blissful ride on DailyOM. Sup on this one.
2- Meditation: Not What You Think — meditation has nothing to do with technique as there is no right or wrong way. It is about being in the now and letting go. Ed and Deb Shapiro are two of the realest teachers out there. if I believed in gurus they would get the title.
3- 5 Tips To Help You Find Serenity — superb advice, different from what we typically hear. Simple and practical and I believe the results from practising will be profound.
4- The short path of sudden enlightenment — William Horden is a man who is definitely tuned in and this post itself is enlightening. It is poetry and beauty and seeking enlightenment in life's typical difficulties. Sublime!
5- What Oprah's Farewell Tells Us About Ourselves — Cara Barker's exhorting us to take charge of our dreams now and live life!
6- 7 Shortcuts to Daily Bliss — simply excellent tips and beautifully practical — fantasize, sit on your rump for 5 to 10 minutes, kiss your partner and lots more profundity. You do not have to go anywhere to connect or take some time out. Really great!
7- Wherever You Go There You Are — The title is self-explanatory - there is no escape for you or I. Face that mirror, accept what is and allow the dissatisfaction to fade – really profound.
14 Jun 2011
Ride The Wave of Positive Energy Flow: Clear Clutter To Re-Energize Your Surroundings and Boost Your Energy

Whether it is spring cleaning, clearing out the garage, basement or attic or just removing clutter from your living room, bathroom, office or other living space, it does the trick.
Thank you Wayne Dyer for this suggestion. It never occurred to me to think of clearing clutter or even dusting and vacuuming as re-harmonizing the energy in my space but of course it is.
Think Feng Shui (pronounced fung chooway) people – that ancient Chinese technique used to harmonize the energy in public and private spaces.
This act is an intrinsic part of everyday spirituality; not every day though, only when it bothers:-)
Did you also know that clearing clutter attracts abundance? You can also clear clutter with EFT.
Think about it, when something is out of place or the dust is so obvious when the sun hits a particular spot or there is so much stuff around that you can't think, it bugs the hell out of you so much that you have to clean it up, clear it out or have it done or leave the room.
But, you can only leave that room so many times!
When something is wrong in your environment you feel it and that is a sign of energetic disharmony in your home or workspace.
The disorder that you observe in your living spaces, since it is not usually confined to one room, is an outward sign of your mental disarray. Most times you can realign this low-level (negative) energy by cleaning and clearing out clutter.
It is a significant dysfunction however when the clutter is pathological as in floor to ceiling items that "I must keep because..." When that is the case, get professional
A room(s) feels lighter and looks brighter when you remove the offending clutter and you also feel fresher and breathe easier as if there is more air in the room. All that from such a simple act and the solution could be as simple as vacuuming the space.
You may even end up re-arranging the furniture until it's just right all because you are riding the wave of this positive energy flow which is enhancing your instincts. As Abraham-Hicks would say, you were tuned in, tapped in and turned on – you are in the vortex.
Re-energizing your surroundings boosts your energy. That is a fact!
Related articles
- 5 Natural Scents to Energize You (
- Spring Clean your Soul (
- 100 ways to raise your consciousness (75 to 100) (
- The Psychology of Color (
- Eight Clutter Clearing Tips You Can Start Today (
- Clear Your Clutter in Six Steps (
- the cost of clutter (
- A Child's Personal Space Is Sacred and Inspiring (
- 10 Effective Ways To Clear Out Your Clutter
13 Jun 2011
Relaxation is Key for Restful Sleep

Focus on each part of your body from the hair on your head to your toes. Feel the energy in your magnificent body. It is what keeps you alive and functioning. Appreciate it, say thank you and relax into it and let yourself to sink into the bed.
Paying attention to your body in this way disconnects you from your mind and the swirling thoughts in your head.
There is no rush, so take your time in relaxing your body. When you are fully relaxed you will naturally fall into a restful sleep and awake refreshed.
You can decompress like this any time and anywhere — the time of day is irrelevant. You can even do this in a crowded park. The only criteria for relaxation is that the place you choose must be free of "commercial" noise i.e. radio, television, telephones and anyone who wants to chat.
Lying down or sitting comfortably is your choice as well.
Connecting with your Higher Self benefits everyone so why not tap into you today.
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- 10 Feng Shui Rules You Should Follow (
- Stay in Balance to Boost Your Immune System (
12 Jun 2011
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Begin With Yourself - Your Life Is Unfolding Perfectly

Though we would like to think otherwise, and this message is for myself first of all, my life and your life is unfolding perfectly as it is meant to. It sounds quaint but nothing happens before its time.
We are living a journey of discovery and what we uncover is what makes us better sometimes by seemingly breaking us. I know from my experiences that none of us ever get more than we can carry. It is what brings out the intestinal fortitude that is ours by right.
So when you desire a mate or anything else for that matter, I firmly believe in asking the Universe and I have, to send me exactly the type of man I desire. In my case, while it seems to be taking an awful long time - 53 years in January 2011 - I only felt that urge in the last 4 to 5 years.
It is therefore incumbent upon me to work on myself and work through my dislike of men which I did not realise was so deeply rooted and smooth out those personality dysfunctions if I want to have a loving, harmonious relationship with my soulmate. So I continue to live in hope on my journey of self-love and self-discovery.
How about you? What are your willing to consciously work on to get yourself ready for a committed relationship? Do comment.
Let this be your sacred vow to yourself: that you now and forever more deem yourself
a worthy servant to the truth of these times. That as such a servant, you understand
and accept that part of your 'job' is to love yourself unconditionally. ~Judith Rich
If you want to be in relationship, but haven’t found the right one for you, remember that the universe works in perfect order and, therefore, right now your life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to be. Maybe all this time has been part of your preparation period for meeting your intended partner. Even the relationships in our lives that haven’t worked out as we had hoped serve us by teaching us to make better choices in our next relationships.
Finding the relationship we want can come early or later in life. It may even happen again and again in one lifetime. There is no right or wrong for how to find a relationship nor is there a timeline that you have to follow.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, continue to become your own soul mate, and stay open to love. The journey of finding the right relationship begins with being in right relationship with yourself. Excerpted from DailyOM's Begin with Yourself.
Related articles
- Ginger Emas: Give Up Those Other Guys Already (
- 20 Ways To Make Today Unforgettable (
- Everything is unfolding perfectly (
11 Jun 2011
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Create A Sphere of Influence and Be The Change

In order to make certain that this reciprocity can find purchase in our existence, we must embark upon our initial journeys of charity with nothing but altruistic intentions in our hearts. Like attracts like, which means that we create a universal shift when we help others, thereby drawing similar generosity into our spheres of influence.
We may never see the repercussions of our actions in the lives of those we choose to help, but we will feel their impact in our day-to-day experiences for years to come. The noble mood that motivates you to take up a philanthropic cause today will have broad effects in your own existence. DailyOM
10 Jun 2011
Some Thoughts About Complaints, Change and Responsibility

The very fact that you are a complainer, shows that you deserve your lot.
~James Allen
Complaining about anything holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you've been asking for.
Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you've been asking for.
Blaming someone holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you've been asking for. Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn't matter what you call it; it is a refusal, not a conscious one.
You're asking; you can't help but ask. The Universe is yielding; it must yield. It's a big question, folks: why aren't you letting it in? ~Abraham-Hicks
A man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what’s a heaven for? ~Robert Browning
Stop bitching about your job. The fact is you have one and many out there like myself do not. That job is putting food on your table and paying your bills. You were hired because you were deemed competent so it is high time you started looking and thinking of your job differently. Focus on what you enjoy doing and accept the rest that goes along with it. If however, you don't want to do anything but complain about it then leave it and give the opportunity to someone else who really needs it!
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work
a day in your life. ~Confucius
Napoleon Hill said thoughts are things and we prove this every day. The more we focus on what is not working for us the more tangible and larger the problems become until they take on a life of their own until we end up flailing about in our own mess.
Accept that you are at fault, the creator of your present situation regardless of events and who else is involved. Not a single soul on this planet can make you do anything or feel any emotion that you do not want to. That is a fact people!
To begin to think with purpose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment. ~James Allen
When you decide that you want something more, something better, you set the train in motion to better your life and the Universe starts working with you.
The energy you exude will influence others in a positive way and it is from there your unexpected support will emanate. Some call it synchronicity or coincidence.
This does not mean that it will be easy or simple but there will be a natural flow which will buoy you along over the bumps, barriers and other challenges.
Your negative thought patterns are still there however just waiting for a charge to take over and weigh you down and it sometimes may.
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief
in a thing makes it happen. ~Frank Lloyd Wright
However, the more you focus on your decision to power forward and better yourself the more insignificant your negative thoughts will become.
It will also be incumbent upon you to change your environment; that is a natural outcome because you become the environment in which you live. As you move forward you will lose "friends" and part ways with some family members. You will be creating a brand new world and its effect on others will surprise you.
Change is a painful process but perseverance wins the game every single time. As Napoleon Hill said you are only three feet from gold if you but knew it and persevered! This will become clearer when you stop complaining and criticising. Think of what you want in your life, focus only on that and forget the rest.
As Jack Canfield says in his Success Principles
Fertilise the garden of your mind with fertile seeds of thought and nourish them unceasingly with faith in your abilities, a positive mindset, calm thoughts supported by meditation, and unfailing perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
What is a well-lived life? To become your own best friend by making peace with yourself. Then there is one less person suffering. A great gift to the world. ~Ed and Deb Shapiro
7 Jun 2011
Appreciate What You Have and Pass On That Good Feeling

"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude."
Cynthia Ozick
We hear about paying it forward yet many think that it does not apply to them but I put it to you that when we perform an unselfish act, the gratitude of the receiver touches us all in a positive way on a universal level, and I am not exaggerating here.
Look around and appreciate what you already have and pass on some of that good feeling to someone in a way of your choosing today. Here is a lovely reminder from Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day about paying it forward.
Pay It Forward
This story is true and it happened to me...
One day after work, I asked my husband to pull into a local store so I could buy some cards and some gifts for our nieces. I got into line to check out behind a man dressed in a suit. I didn't pay much attention but then the woman in front of him started asking directions and he politely gave her all the directions. What caught my attention is that twice he said either God bless you or you have a blessed day. As a Christian, I thought - how refreshing to hear.
It was now his turn to check out and he just had a gift bag and a card and tissue and some other small things, buying to wrap someone a gift.But, it seemed he didn't have much cash on him. So he told the cashier to check him out and he'd pay cash for part and part on a credit card. When she checked him out he was a little less than a dollar short and started to scan his credit card.
"Stop" I said, "Don't scan your credit card for that dollar" and so I handed the cashier a dollar. He looked over at me and I said "no, it's nothing - I'm just trying to get out of debt and I hate to see anyone using a card for anything." He thanked me and "blessed" me too.
The cashier was surprised. I'm not sure if she was surprised because I did that or because she didn't expect me to help him or if it was because he was in a very nice suit and I was there in jeans and a t-shirt - I'm not sure, but when she gave the little change back from my dollar, she held my hand and told me that that was so unexpected of me and told me that I would be truly blessed for the act I just did. I just smiled and said "well I hope so -I could use some blessings!" So just then she told me my total which was around $6.00.
Image by Thai Jasmine (Keep Smiling.g..g.g :-)) via FlickrAs I reached in my wallet to pay her, a young man behind me said - "Wait! How much was her total?" The cashier told him and he reached in his wallet to pay for mine! I said, "No, you don't need to do that - - mine is much more than what I just dished out to help him." He said no he wanted to pay for mine for what he had just witnessed.
And here all along, I was feeling good by helping someone, but then when he did that, well; it was so unexpected and took me so by surprise. With tears in my eyes, I gave him a hug.I always try to do little things that I can, but have never had anyone do anything like that for me.I was speechless.
As I walked to my car just amazed at God's love that had just been shown, I wondered what the cashier must be thinking of what she just witnessed in front of her. I cried when I told my husband because I just felt right there, right then, in a world where there is so much going bad, I witnessed God's love.
I went home that night and blogged about it and challenged anyone reading it to do the same. To do something small for someone else and see the difference it makes in your life as well as theirs. Of course my blog only has a couple of followers, but I had to get this story out!
That young gentleman does not know how much he touched my heart by following my example. I'll never forget it.
So, why not do something? Pay a toll for the car behind you, offer to pay for someone's item they are checking out, hand a water to someone working on the road, pay for someone's lunch - - it doesn't take much to show the love of God.
Lorraine NiemeyerLorraine lives in a little town in Texas with her husband of 16 years. If you would like to view her blog go to: http://www.
How has your gratitude for the good in your life expressed itself with others? Do comment and share your experience.
6 Jun 2011
You Should Not Want Money At All...

You cannot separate yourself from the aspect of yourself that is Spiritual, and while you are here in these bodies, you cannot separate yourselves from that which is physical or material.
All of the magnificent things of a physical nature that are surrounding you are Spiritual in nature. ~Abraham-Hicks
3 Jun 2011
Create a Universal Shift When You Help Others

While most of us are not an Oprah, Richard Branson, Bill and Melinda Gates, or Warren Buffet, to name just a few of the world's philantropists, each and every one of you have the ability to create a universal shift in consciousness which moves the world and all in it when you help another human being.
You change the world when you release painful burdens. You are not doing it for anyone, you are doing it for yourself. Heal what ails you and you positively impact the world – that is compassion!
What you give selflessly will be returned to you in kind an some other fashion. That is normal.
The selflessness that leads us to serve as a force for good in the lives of others eventually loops back around so that we come by all the support and aid we need during periods of upheaval.
In order to make certain that this reciprocity can find purchase in our existence, we must embark upon our initial journeys of charity with nothing but altruistic intentions in our hearts. Like attracts like, which means that we create a universal shift when we help others, thereby drawing similar generosity into our spheres of influence.
We may never see the repercussions of our actions in the lives of those we choose to help, but we will feel their impact in our day-to-day experiences for years to come. The noble mood that motivates you to take up a philanthropic cause today will have broad effects in your own existence. ~DailyOM
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