The ability to not hide behind a mask but to own your truth is one of the first aspects of being a wholesome human being. ~Angela Martin, Editor, Trinidad Express Woman Magazine
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The 7 tips also underline what I know to be true, that masks are a waste of time - dare to be bare, be authentic, be real; that action is necessary to get what you desire, commit yourself - get up and get it no matter what it takes; that life really is about living. Embrace it. Love life, after all you are life!
Living out loud is the only way to be. That is why you are here.
2014 Year of Positive Thinking
Did you know that it always helps to set a time line to your personal goals? Set yourself up so you can accomplish the most tasks in record time. For example, mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV.
A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.
It's simple. If you begin to allow yourself a bit of positive thinking then you will begin to realise things that you never thought possible.
Discover 7 tips to make 2014 your year of positive thinking but I've put my own twist to them.
1- ACT. You must take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action equals deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Action speaks louder than words. Without action, passion is void.Go to it!
Dreams become reality when you begin by imagining and fantasizing on how things could be, fleshing it out then taking action to make it a reality. And if the idea weakens or falters, you can always go back to it later until you finish it or it could be a signal that it needs more work or you're on the wrong track. Only you will know through intuitive action, when you feel it.
2- LOVE. Commit to yourself then commit to those you love to powerfully create a life you can love. Instead of re-acting (repeating the same old), commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The possibilities of prosperity and success will always be there but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins. Yeah!
3- LIVE. Embrace moments and opportunities. Recognise and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome.
Metamorphosis on flowers
Every time something appears that may seem too extreme for you give it a shot anyway. Step out of your comfort zone. You don't know it will work but you may be surprised by the results. If they are not satisfactory use that opportunity to learn from it and make the appropriate shift.
Learning and growing is part of living. There are no such things as failures.
4- BE GRATEFUL. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to use what you have in the most constructive way. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all. Have you ever needed something so badly but nothing was forthcoming so you had to make do with what was at hand? I have, many many times. You become resourceful and it grows. How grateful were you that you had the means to solve your situation?
The habit of being needy - a very negative emotion - will diminish when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude and away from poverty consciousness.
5- BE PASSIONATE. Use a passion formula of Recognise/Re-evaluate/Restore in place of the shoulda/woulda/coulda whirlwind. The former is based on increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack.
6- LAUGH. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself whenever possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I crack myself up and I love it! Life has too much to offer to allow yourself to mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate, life-giving.
7- DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. Deciding how you wish to be remembered when you pass from this life is truly a driving force for some but for me, the one question that I must be able to answer in the affirmative is "did I enjoy myself without regret". Your purpose for being can be as simple as being a great parent, wife, lover, office worker to discovering how to save our planet from the destructive effects of climate change.
Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, you're not setting big enough goals. ~Bob Proctor
When you have a strong purpose no one can take your passionate future from you - except for you! Truly, as long as there's still breath in your body there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime.
Discovering and following your purpose makes you enjoy whatever you do. It will never be "work". Celebrate the discovery that making your dreams a reality fulfills your purpose for being here. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.
Activate your positive thinking. Stretch your imagination. Think bigger than you feel comfortable. Act on your thoughts. That is intuitive action.
You are not doomed. Living a life of purpose and love is what you desire. You ache for something better. That wonderful, creative idea in you is about to be released. You want to do this because you are reading this article. When you truly desire something, the means to attain it sparks your imagination in such a way that it becomes inevitable the more you persist, work at it and flesh it out.
(Taken from the Trinidad Express Woman Magazine, page 23, 5 January 2014)