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23 Jan 2014

7 Tips to Make 2014 YOUR Year of Positive Thinking

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The ability to not hide behind a mask but to own your truth is one of the first aspects of being a wholesome human being. ~Angela Martin, Editor, Trinidad Express Woman Magazine

Source: Wikimedia
I chose to share this article from the Trinidad Express Woman Magazine of 5 January 2014 because it vibes with my purpose this year to be positively conscious and serene.

The 7 tips also underline what I know to be true, that masks are a waste of time - dare to be bare, be authentic, be real; that action is necessary to get what you desire, commit yourself - get up and get it no matter what it takes; that life really is about living. Embrace it. Love life, after all you are life!

Living out loud is the only way to be. That is why you are here.

2014 Year of Positive Thinking

You have a bright idea somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can't wait to test out. The question is, do you really want to bring it out into the light?: What could motivate you to churn your creative, inspiring juices to their utmost flavor?

Did you know that it always helps to set a time line to your personal goals? Set yourself up so you can accomplish the most tasks in record time. For example, mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV.

A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.

It's simple. If you begin to allow yourself a bit of positive thinking then you will begin to realise things that you never thought possible.

Discover 7 tips to make 2014 your year of positive thinking but I've put my own twist to them.

1- ACT. You must take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action equals deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Action speaks louder than words. Without action, passion is void.

Dreams become reality when you begin by imagining and fantasizing on how things could be, fleshing it out then taking action to make it a reality. And if the idea weakens or falters, you can always go back to it later until you finish it or it could be a signal that it needs more work or you're on the wrong track. Only you will know through intuitive action, when you feel it.

2- LOVE. Commit to yourself then commit to those you love to powerfully create a life you can love. Instead of re-acting (repeating the same old), commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The possibilities of prosperity and success will always be there but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins. Yeah!

Metamorphosis on flowers
3- LIVE.  Embrace moments and opportunities. Recognise and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome.

Every time something appears that may seem too extreme for you give it a shot anyway. Step out of your comfort zone. You don't know it will work but you may be surprised by the results. If they are not satisfactory use that opportunity to learn from it and make the appropriate shift.

Learning and growing is part of living. There are no such things as failures.

4- BE GRATEFUL. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to use what you have in the most constructive way. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all. Have you ever needed something so badly but nothing was forthcoming so you had to make do with what was at hand? I have, many many times. You become resourceful and it grows. How grateful were you that you had the means to solve your situation?

The habit of being needy - a very negative emotion - will diminish when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude and away from poverty consciousness.

5- BE PASSIONATE. Use a passion formula of Recognise/Re-evaluate/Restore in place of the shoulda/woulda/coulda whirlwind. The former is based on increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack.

6- LAUGH. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself whenever possible. You  may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I crack  myself up and I love it! Life has too much to offer to allow yourself to mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate, life-giving.

7- DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. Deciding how you wish to be remembered when you pass from this life is truly a driving force for some but for me, the one question that I must be able to answer in the affirmative is "did I enjoy myself without regret". Your purpose for being can be as simple as being a great parent, wife, lover, office worker to discovering how to save our planet from the destructive effects of climate change.
Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, you're not setting big enough goals. ~Bob Proctor

When you have a strong purpose no one can take your passionate future from you - except for you! Truly, as long as there's still breath in your body there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime.

Discovering and following your purpose makes you enjoy whatever you do. It will never be "work". Celebrate the discovery that making your dreams a reality fulfills your purpose for being here. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.

Activate your positive thinking. Stretch your imagination. Think bigger than you feel comfortable. Act on your thoughts. That is intuitive action.

You are not doomed. Living a life of purpose and love is what you desire. You ache for something better. That wonderful, creative idea in you is about to be released. You want to do this because you are reading this article. When you truly desire something, the means to attain it sparks your imagination in such a way that it becomes inevitable the more you persist, work at it and flesh it out.
 Go to it!

(Taken from the Trinidad Express Woman Magazine, page 23, 5 January 2014)
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22 Jan 2014

Empower Yourself - Taking Charge of the Balloon - Direct Your Own Life

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Hibiscus flower by
Taking Charge of the Balloon
A man in a hot air balloon, realizing he was lost, lowered it to shout to a fellow on the ground, “The wind’s blown me off course. Can you tell me where I am?”

The man replied, “Sure. You’re hovering about 60 feet over this wheat field.”

“You must be an engineer,” the balloonist yelled.

“I am. How did you know?” the man replied.

“Well, everything you told me is technically correct but of absolutely no use.”

The engineer retorted, “You’re an executive, right?”

“How did you know?” the balloonist responded.

“Well, you were drifting in no particular direction before you asked my help and you’re still lost, but now it’s my fault.”

The balloon is a good metaphor for our lives. At first, all we want to do is rise as high as we can in terms of money, position and prestige. Yet as we rise wind currents push us sideways. Eventually, many of us discover that we’re on a very different course than we intended, a long way from the spot we took off from or hoped to end up at. So we blame the wind or anything else.

What we have to realize is that our power of choice is a steering mechanism that lets us respond to each breeze and gust. We can drift with or go against the current. Like haphazard wind currents, unplanned events beyond our control affect the direction of our lives. But, in the end, what we do and become is determined by our choices. The key is to be attentive, to look around to be sure we are going where we want to go.

Remember, character counts.

Michael Josephson
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21 Jan 2014

EFT SCRIPT - Take The Lid Off!

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White Chinese Hibiscus
Source: Ajaytao
Start a Gratitude Journal. It trains the brain to begin focusing on things you like about your life. Watch what happens to your life when you do! ~Christie Marie Sheldon

I love EFT tapping and it's simple to learn EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique and how it can benefit you. 

Here is a superb EFT script - Take the Lid Off! - from EFT Master Carol Look and I feel amazing since I've been practicing - jazzed up and rearing to go in whatever direction I choose. Hopefully you will feel the same.
Only those good feelings will attract abundance into your life so you got to work it for all its worth and practice every day. Get rid of the underlying stressor first because EFT will not allow you to cheat which means that if you're feeling angry, hurt or whatever on a particular  issue, you must first get it out of the way with, you guessed it, EFT.

I'm a fan as you can tell but listen, if the Emotional Freedom Technique is not your cup of tea, try something else. The beauty about EFT is that it works on everything and it's never failed me yet from flying off the handle to feeling hurt to dealing with childhood trauma, EFT was there for me!
Take the Lid Off!

Imagine how much abundance would flow into your life if you could Take the Lid Off... You would immediately improve your positive vibration which means success and abundance would start to flow into your life.

Are you tired of stopping yourself and getting in your own way? Our limiting beliefs and conflicted emotions about success and abundance make up our "lid" that blocks us from moving forward. Sadly, it's way too easy to get in your own way!

It's time to Take the Lid Off of you - off of your potential, off of your abundance, and off of your capacity to attract what you want in your life. If you truly want to become more successful, you need to release the emotions that get in your way and break through the limiting beliefs that put the "lid" on you in the first place.

Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.


The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:

While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

"Even though I'm afraid to Take the Lid Off, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway."

"Even though I'm not sure what to expect when I Take the Lid Off, I accept myself and my feelings."

"Even though I'm not sure I really know how to Take the Lid Off, I love and accept myself anyway."

I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)

***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***

Eyebrow: "I'm afraid to change..."

Side of Eye: "I'm afraid to Take the Lid Off ..."

Under Eye: "It sounds like a lot of work."

Nose: "I'm not sure I know how to move forward."

Chin: "I'm a little scared to Take the Lid Off."

Collarbone: "I'm not sure I know what to do."

Under Arm: "And I'm a little scared of changing."

Head: "I'm afraid of what everyone else might think..."

***Now for the positive focus on the solution***

Eyebrow: "I want to Take the Lid Off now."

Side of Eye: "I want to feel good about moving forward."

Under Eye: "I want to feel inspired to Take the Lid Off."

Nose: "I'm looking forward to feeling lighter and happier..."

Chin: "I want to be inspired to Take the Lid Off."

Collarbone: "I love feeling excited about moving forward."

Under Arm: "I deserve to Take the Lid Off."

Head: "I choose to Take the Lid Off now."


Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):

Thank You, Universe for teaching me how to Take the Lid Off my abundance... I feel more aligned with abundance already!

Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel inspired to Take the Lid Off my success... I am looking forward to uplifting results!

Thank You, Universe for making it so easy for me to Take the Lid Off... I feel the vibrational shift and power already!

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20 Jan 2014

Seven Quick Fixes to Feel Better - Get Back to Wellness

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Hibiscus flower via Flickr
This is a perfect programme of 7 quick fixes for those of us who prefer the natural route to start off the new year just right. Madisyn Taylor of DailyOM has hit the right spot. 
I previously posted  (with videos) 2 gentle, non-invasive acupressure techniques that work for me, (Tapas Acupressure Technique) TAT - a fab technique to empower yourself and get free of stress and trauma and  Learn EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique and how it could benefit you.

Quick fix 1 is an acupressure technique to naturally relieve headaches. No. 2 stuff noses? Try this one. No. 3 - not only is apple cider vinegar great for a simple detox when you feel the need but it also alkalinizes the body when you add a teaspoon in a large glass of water. Try it. Nos. 4 and 6 are evident. No. 5 breathing exercises de-stress you, gets rid of anger, anxiety, butterflies before an interview and so on. Use and repeat whenever and wherever. No. 7 is my favourite. Lemons alkalinizes the body from all the acid-forming foods we eat (meat, sugar, white flour etc.), ginger warms you up and is great in winter and it tones you up internally,  garlic is fabulous for your intestinal health and cayenne perks up your innards and aids in digestion. Wonderful stuff. Try one!
Getting Back to Wellness - Seven Quick Fixes to Feel Better by Madisyn Taylor

Anxiety and fear dissipate quickly when countered
with conscious breathing.

The signals our bodies use to tell us we need to cleanse ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally are multifaceted and often mirror symptoms we associate with illness. If we heed these signs, we not only feel better quickly but also stave off poor health before it can start. These quick fixes for common ailments can get you started.

1. Applying pressure to the acupressure point between the thumb and forefinger can release blockages causing pain, tension, and fatigue. You can relieve a headache naturally by squeezing for 20 seconds and releasing for 10 seconds, without letting go, four times.

2. To breathe freely, irrigate your nasal passages with a neti pot and warm salt water. As you clear and soothe the sinuses, congestion associated with allergies or infection will gradually disappear.

3. Apple cider vinegar is a powerful purifying and detoxifying agent. Soaking for 20 minutes in a warm bath infused with two cups of apple cider vinegar pulls toxins from the body and can clear blocked energy.

4. The foods you eat can have a profound impact on your outlook and mood. Eating a small yet satisfying meal rich in complex carbohydrates can lift your spirit and help you let go of feelings of anger, irritability, and depression.

5. Anxiety and fear dissipate quickly when countered with conscious breathing because concentrating on the breath enables you to refocus your attention inward. You can ground yourself and regain your usual calm by taking a series of deep belly breaths as you visualize your feet growing roots that stretch miles down into the earth.

6. Though tuning out can seem counterproductive, a few minutes spent lost in daydreams or listening to soothing music can help you see your circumstances from a new angle when you feel frustrated.

7. If you feel ill health coming on, brew a wellness elixir.

Simmer three sliced lemons,
One teaspoon freshly grated ginger,
One clove freshly minced garlic, and
One quarter teaspoon cayenne pepper in five cups water until the lemons are soft and pale.

Strain a portion into a mug and add honey by tablespoons until you can tolerate the taste.

Drinking this potent mixture of antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal ingredients three times each day can ensure your symptoms never progress into a full-blown illness.
Credit: 2nd red hibiscus photo, Flickr

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Want To Be Happy? Be Grateful

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Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every
corner of your life. ~Rumi

TED Talks happiness with David Steindl-Rast. Want to be Happy? Be Grateful

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. Oprah Winfrey

TEDx Youth with Irish-born Sudanese Wafa Elamin on Positive Thinking

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19 Jan 2014

Set a Goal to Achieve Something So Big It Scares You

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Hibiscus -
Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, your not setting big enough goals. ~Bob Proctor
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18 Jan 2014

BECOME AWARE - 3 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude

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Hibiscus flower
Gratitude - Let's make it the first thing we remember from Dr Christiane Northrup's Blog post reminds me not to be stiff necked and stubborn about what I feel I need to hold onto when I really want to let it go.

My wonderful amazing body and marvelous inner Self always remind me by literally - I kid you not - giving me a stiff neck at those times and as soon as I understand the 'why' of it the crunch disappears immediately.

Listening to my body's messages made me become aware that letting go is so easy to do but because we learnt from our parents and teachers to hold onto our hurts not matter what when in fact, as painfully horrendous as some life changing events have been, we really have no choice if you and I are to live prosperous, happy and fulfilling lives.

We must let go and let God as advised by Bob Proctor. That poison of hate and anger will kill us faster than the person or persons who inflicted the pain upon us in the first place.

So, in line with living my 2014 motto  positively conscious and serene here are Christiane's three easy ways to practice gratitude every day:

1. Create Gratitude Touchstones

Write your favorite memories or peak experiences on index cards and keep them close at hand as gratitude touchstones. Here are a few examples: your spouse, your sleeping child, a beautiful place in nature, a favorite pet, an exciting trip, a special moment with a friend.

2. Make a list of all the people in your life for whom you are grateful.

Who helped or supported you in 2013? Start with the easy ones, like family, friends, work colleagues, wait staff at your favorite restaurant, and close advisors. Let the list expand organically.

White lotus flower
As you begin to picture the more minor players in your life, like the person on the end of the customer support hotline or the random person who smiled at you while you were at your favorite coffee stop, you may be amazed by how much help and support you have in your life.

Note: You can do the same exercise for the things you are grateful for. Don't forget things that are easy to take for granted like heat, electricity, and clean water.

3. Appreciate yourself for all that you are and all that you do.

Take a moment right now to look back and acknowledge how far you’ve come since last year. (You can do this for shorter intervals, too.) Journaling is a great way to keep track of this kind of information. The point is to update your “self-appreciation circuits” regularly and genuinely. It’s easier to go negative! Don’t do that to yourself.

Right now, take yourself into your heart and acknowledge your good traits, what you’ve accomplished this year, and the positive ways that you’ve grown. Recognize the ways in which your presence on planet Earth actually helps and supports others.

Practicing gratitude for as little as 15–20 seconds, can lower stress hormones, increase the flow of oxygen to every cell of your body, and harmonize your heart’s rhythms with your body’s other systems.

If all of this happens when you focus for just 15–20 seconds on something that brings you pleasure, joy, or a feeling of gratitude, imagine what would happen to your health—and our world—if you were able to cultivate and express gratitude and appreciation on a regular basis. That’s pretty powerful stuff.
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17 Jan 2014

BECOME AWARE - Get the Inside Right, the Outside will fall into Place

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Hibiscus by
 “If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. As soon as you honor the present moment, unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love - even the most simple action.” ~Eckhart Tolle
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15 Jan 2014

Positively Conscious and Serene Brings You to Your Senses

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Conscious World, The New Pink
Our belief systems are not logical - in fact they frequently defy logic and will work against us when challenged. This is the reason that we so often set resolutions only to find that another year has passed and nothing in our lives has changed - we're still painting dirt! We have the power to change... This year consider starting a new pattern. ~Bob Proctor

What I am loving about myself is that I'm getting to know myself in ways I never knew my Self before. And that's that this 14th year in this 21st century is all about. I realised it's not just about being positively present and serene as I stated in my first post for the new year 20 things I learned for sure in 2013.

On reflection, from this bedrock feeling of serenity which surfaced the day after my birthday - and don't ask me where that came from because I can't say. However I do know for sure that nothing can shake it - I'm all about being positively conscious and serene in 2014.

My awareness of what's going on inside of me and around me seems to have expanded and my glass is full and running over. How bout that eh :))

An author reader on Eckhart Tolle's Teachings eloquently describes his journey of seeking release while resisting life and what happened when he let go (and let God). His Slamming into a brick wall story perfectly describes my similar awakening one day after my birth date on 6 January 2014.

When you make a
 leap of faith you can accomplish almost anything you set out to do. Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM

In this vein, I want to share with you Jon Kabat Zinn's on University of California's TV, Coming to our senses. WATCH!

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8 Jan 2014

20 Things I Learned For Sure in 2013

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Passion Flower stamen
Source: Wikimedia
I've been a fan of blogger Dani Dipirro's Fab blog Positively Present for a few years now because she always impressed me with her... well, incredibly utopic outlook on life which actually pleased me.

In 2013, she decided to jot down and keep all positive things that happened to her and read them early in 2014.

At the time, I just shrugged, smiled thinking that was so like her and moved on but now, after my annus horribilis in 2013, I have decided to point my life in that direction.

Dani describes what she learnt on reading her 2013 year long collection in 5 benefits of noting happy moments -
She says "When I kept this little jar right by my desk, I was constantly reminded to look for things to celebrate, causing me to look past the big events and seek the little moments of joy that happen almost every single day."

My watch words for 2014 are positively present and serene and my intention in 2014 is to write down at least one thing that lifts my spirit every single day for the entire year.

I will collect them in my happy jar and read on my birthday on 5 January 2015.

I refuse to ever relive what I put myself through - yes, I did it to myself regardless of others involvement - in 2013. It truly was a horrible year for me which ended on Friday 13 December 2013, the day I received a wonderful job offer over the phone in exactly the field I desired in exactly the manner I wished and I accepted it after two years, one month and 13 days without a job.

Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it's no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Habinaria radiata
Source: wikimedia
I have turned the page and never intend to revisit that 2013 chapter again.

After being beaten up by psychiatric outpatients, slapped in the face on three occasions by a thug who swore he loved me, death threats, getting bitten by roaches in a homeless shelter and more, the 20 things I learned for sure in 2013 are these:

1-  Cry in private.

2-  Never back down. Fight back.

3-  Adversity builds your self respect. Dig down deep, pull it up and work it!

4-  Focus on your objective. Know what you want and express it.

5-  Do something good for someone every day. It lifts your spirit.

6-  It takes two to argue. Reasonable words do dull a sharp tongue.

7-  Keep your heart open. Uncertainty creates fear and distrust. Don't give in to it.

8-  Use your determination to carry you through when all else fails.

9-  Never water down your desires or diminish your abilities to please anyone. 

10-  Self pity, despair and desperation are passing things. You can let them go.

11-Trust your instincts regardless of appearances and take action. Always follow through.

12-Stay the course. Challenges surface seemingly to test your resolve. Deal with it and move on.

13-Don't waste time responding to critics. Too much energy wasted and you end up acting small.

14-Never give up. Hold on by your fingernails if you have to to your faith that things will turn around.

15- Always treat the other as a human being deserving of respect regardless of their attitude and verbs. 

16-Ignore the critics and the nay-sayers. They just want to keep you at their level where they feel comfortable.

17-Practise being still every single day and when it all gets to much and you feel you can't hold it any longer, do it again.

18-Uplift your spirit with positive words or images every day via a Mind MovieEFT tapping, affirmations or anything else that works for you.

19-What you seek is also seeking you and I have the proof. I read those words by Marianne Williamson years ago and she was so right!

20- Friday 13 is a lucky day!

These lessons have made me positively present and serene and I know I am fully capable of facing whatever comes next in 2014. I feel that fantastic!
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Another beauty from the fab folks at Insight of the Day - a poem by Linda Ellis to assist you in reflecting on the year past and this new one just birthed.

Linda Ellis is a speaker, author and poet. You have probably seen her work in a poem called The Dash.

Lots of food for thought here to reflect on how we dance  life. Do let me know what you think about it.

Time of Your Life
Do you reflect upon the years gone by
as you prepare for yet one more,
with promises and resolutions

that you have made before?
Do memories of people and places
once as sharp as any knife
now blend in bits and pieces

in a kaleidoscope of life?
Do you squander precious minutes
seeking reasons why you're here, 
contemplating your life's purpose
year after passing year?
Persuade yourself to understand,
it matters not the reason.
Your purpose is to seize the life
in every passing season!
Learn to see things differently.
Let your thoughts and actions change.
Allow your views of past and present
to slowly rearrange.
Let your spirit start anew;
become focused and aware
of the moments and the blessings
that surround you everywhere!
Do not permit past memories:
the where…the who…the how
to become more important
than the ones you’re making now.
Live life in person;
inhabit every day.
You may not like where you are now,
but you’re there anyway!
A lifetime is a puzzle,
every failure, each success
adds another jagged piece
to fit together with the rest.
To finish the picture
and view the masterpiece whole,
fill the time of your life
with your heart and your soul.
Acquaint yourself with your feelings
and heighten your senses.

Experience living.
Put down your defenses.
You don't have to know why
you are you, and I’m me.

Believe it is what it is
and it’s how it should be.
You did not choose your date of birth,
nor do you know your last,
so live this gift that is your present,
before it becomes your past.
Linda Ellis, copyright 2011
To get more information on Linda please take a moment and go to: I know that you will be glad you went there.
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