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Are you a person of worth regardless of your circumstances? This question came to my mind following a shocking encounter that would have knocked me on my arse if I had not already been seated.
I had it proved to me that the eyes truly are the windows of the soul when I met the eyes of a young woman, and its effect has stayed with me and floats across my mental screen pretty often. Hence the title of my post, the eyes have it.
What do yours say about you, and when last did you look yourself in the eye in a mirror? You see your true self when you do and I am sure you know that.
No Hope Here
Have you ever encountered anyone so lacking in hope that not even despair is present? A person so catatonic yet obviously alive and healthy that you wonder how the hell this could happen and worse yet, how could they be still alive and breathing in that state. No man or woman is meant to live in this unholy state!
I "met" such a person as I was seated in the back of a car passing through a well-established, middle-class neighbourhood. As we approached the main street in the neighbourhood, I saw a young woman standing in front of a dilapidated-looking house that looked like a shack; I call it a hovel. It was the only one in the neighbourhood.
Death is a very dull, dreary affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing whatsoever to do with it. W. Somerset Maugham
So Forlon
I noticed her because she was standing there with such a forlorn air that she caught my attention. She was not "looking to pick up something" (read prostitute) as the hypocritical and sanctimonius saying goes here which was alluded to by the eighty-six year old ignorant woman in the car with me.
This young woman, barely twenty, was wearing black cycle shorts with her stomach bulging over the top. She was slim and healthy looking so it could be "baby fat" from a pregnancy. She was standing there as if she did not even know how she got there; utterly forsaken.
Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. Voltaire
The Eyes Have It
As the car passed in front of her, I turned around to look at her and our eyes met and I held her gaze. Do you know, in hindsight, she looked curious (surprised is too strong).
I think that is why I caught her attention because people do not normally see her. The look in this young woman's eyes was so utterly devoid of anything remotely ressembling hope. There was such a lack of expectancy in her gaze that I became numb right there. Conversation continued in the car while I sat in a daze.
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. Thomas Carlyle
No Dreams
As I write about her my heart hurts which brings tears to my eyes and I am not a cryer. In fact I thought my tear ducts atrophied a long long time ago.
That girl has no dreams, and she is carryng such an unholy burden that is not hers to bear and if she does not find a way to shift it and unload it she will surely die as she expects; friendless, alone, lost, unloved, luckless, sad, homeless and hopeless. In other words, she will die as a person of no worth. Do not let this happen to you!
I do not know what I am going to do about this but I have to do something, somehow, without affecting the tenuous hold she has on life. I know hope is the answer. But how do you offer hope to someone who probably does not even know that she is in desperate need of it; and would she even recognise it? How do you bring faith in human kindness into someone's life who was probably disabused of it at an early age?
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. Carl Jung
From what I have heard about her family's history, there were five girls living on that very spot with their parents thirty plus years ago.
After years of constant physical abuse, the hard-working mother killed her husband by setting his bed alight. She ended up in jail and life ended right there for those five young girls. The young woman is the offspring of one of the five.
Maybe I can love her from a distance and keep hope in my heart for her. What do you think?
Release the Need to Control
Release the need to control ladies. You are fighting a losing battle which is why you feel so frustrated and you make it worse by resisting.
You are perfect as you are and it is high time you recognised this fact; be you fat, tall, short, small, pot belly, big-breasted, no ass or too much, a skinny minnie or shapeless as a drink of water. You are perfect as you are. Everything else is irrelevant.
Release this obsession to control everything. This useless struggle is linked to your lack of self confidence and fear that you are not enough because of what you learned growing up. Drop it, you are an adult now and can say fuck you very much and move on.
When you feel this angst, think about something pleasant, do something else. Change your mental topic or you could repeat the following affirmation.
If you are struggling with your control issues and feelings of worthiness, I wrote this post because I was there once how to release the need to control: An affirmation for the heart to deal with control issues.
It strengthens you and reaffirms your sense of worth. Say it every day until you can taste it, then get to know those words intimately. Belief is not necessary, repititions are and over time twice daily, your subconscious will start rewiring your mental programming.
Women and Girls - Our Flowers
I love women you know; I always have. I have always thought of women as flowers on the human scale and girls as the burgeoning buds; slowly oh so slowly growing inside then suddenly when you least expect, busting open to savour this glorious sunshine called life. Yummy...
If women would be educated about who they are and have their sense of beauty imprinted on their psyche in their formative years, and more men in our midst would acknowledge this fact, it would make our world a more harmonious place, don't you think.
Much love to you all!
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