Here are my 8 posts and articles to inspire you as they have me and bring out the best in you:
1 - Dani from Positively Present How to be your own hero - fabulous and thought provoking. I dare you to admit you recognise yourself in her descriptions!
2 - Andrew Shapter's 99 Definitions of Happiness - to warm your heart and make you smile whether you're in the mood or not.
3 - Bob Lingvall's There is beauty within you: Finding the butterfly hidden within the caterpillar - when you think everything is wrong or even you, yourself, this is the pick-me-up and focussed meditation and "counselling" you need.
4 - Cara Barker's Calling back your spirit and taking the 21-Day Challenge to stop bullying yourself - her words shake you up and tell you "you can; you are capable, and hey, get with the programme". It's just wow!
~ Perhaps a more accurate title for my post would have been, "Can We Conspire With Life For Our Highest Good? For indeed, life itself is a neutral event, not aimed at anyone in particular.
Life is impersonal that way. Life happens and we receive it. How we choose to receive life, regardless of its content, will determine whether we'll turn it into material for suffering or use it to open new possibilities. ~
6 - Allan Cohen's Are you as happy as your dog? Read on to find out why you should be.
7 - Anne Naylor's How open to opportunity are you? We lie to ourselves a lot; pretty damn often in fact. We bitch and moan, beating ourselves up needlessly and when we're in that mood, others get to "share" in it as well.
Anne encourages you to change the way you look at your life and face that person in the mirror. Lots of food for thought here and perhaps even some aha! moments.
8 - Jamie Oliver's talk about The power of food and on new, obese generation on TedTalks. So very, very passionate, powerful and caring. He inspires you to want to make changes in your plate now!
I truly hope my 8 ways to be inspired and bring out the best in you provokes some thought and reflection. Let me know what inspires you to act and think differently, and how it has affected those around you.
As I am practising the value of compassion for 2010, I will end all posts in this vein:
Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back. ~Arthur Rubinstein
As I am practising the value of compassion for 2010, I will end all posts in this vein:
And here's a lovely guy who started The Get Inspired Project.
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