This post today is about mastering my thoughts, feelings and actions to embody who I am because I am experiencing some interesting times right now and the full range of emotions which accompany them - anger, frustration, hope, defeat, boredom, irritation, and an overall feeling of pure aggravation - are telling me that, of course, it is my thoughts which are influencing the outcomes.
It is time to embody who I am and master thoughts, feelings and actions. After all, I already am.
Emotional demands
From returning to the Caribbean to live - I still haven't figured that out as yet - to putting to bed unresolved family crap (after 25 years) and their accompanying needs, demands and expectations and my having to field all of these attacks (emotional demands are very powerful); to having to depend on them (arrgh!) for certain basic needs (like Internet and wi-fi access), and a fully functional and harmonious environment in which to live and work until I find my feet which I consider my right (got it?) and all the rest of the shit that my return stirred up.
My ignorance and arrogance
Being obliged to face my own ignorance and arrogance and deliberate myopia and meeting the wall of resistance - the stories - is showing me that I'm a not very nice person by the way I react.
I don't use any particular adjectives to describe myself but the picture in my eyes is not attractive. I use Majestic cleansing and healing with Ho'oponopono almost every waking hour and meditate often.
Acting small instead of tall
It's fascinating when I step back and observe and even when I know how the best of me should act - Ha! - I still find myself acting small instead of tall.
It's all about emotions, emotions, emotions. Habits fed by unsuspectingly powerful thoughts are crazy addictive! However, I am changing them, thank goodness.
The plus in all of this is that I clearly see why people (not just family) act the way they do but then I instinctively feel sorry for them (family) and defensive at the same time about not acting the way they wish I would.
I silently criticise well why can't you get a grip and understand why you act the way you do. We all know it's not that easy, don't we when you're dealing with different levels of growth.
Because if you don't question and you don't even know that you can question your thoughts, habits and actions by asking "is that true", you will not evolve and change to embody your true values and live your life to the fullest.
In this vein, James Allen in As A Man Thinketh
is teaching me more than I really want to know about Yours Truly. See if this applies to you as well in your present situation and tell me what you think.
Men do not attract that which they want but that which they are. Their whims, fancies and ambitions are thwarted at every step but their inmost thoughts and desires are fed with their own food, be it foul or clean.The "divinity that shapes our ends" is in ourselves; it is our very self. Man is manacled only by himself. Thought and action are the jailers of Fate - they imprison, being base.They are also the angels of freedom - the liberate, being noble. Not what he wishes and prays for does a man get but what he justly earns. His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions.Fighting against circumstances - man is continually revolting against an effect without while all the time he is nourishing and preserving its cause in his heart.A particular train of thought persisted in, be it good or bad cannot fail to produce its results on the character and circumstances. You cannot choose your circumstances but you can choose your thoughts and thereby influence and shape your circumstances.
It is time to embody who I am for sure and master my thoughts, feelings and actions. It's all about being authentic. How about you?
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