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31 Dec 2010

8 Step Visualisation Technique: Start The New Year on The Right Foot

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New year - which direction?New Year - Which Direction? by randihausken
We all want to do the best we can and live the most we can but most of us usually start a new year on the wrong foot! Linda Joy, author of Live a juicy joyful life fame who was a single mother on welfare developed this 8-step visualisation technique.

Let the light in — use it to start the new year on the right foot — taken from the lovely Kari Henley's article Let go of recession depression and live a juicy, joyful life.
Let's jump right into it, shall we. See you on the other side!
1 - First find a quiet place, and light an intention candle.

2 - Ask your deepest self, "When I look at 2010 as a successful year, what made is successful?"

3 - After that, follow up with:
"When I look at the parts of 2010 that were not as successful, what would I have changed?"

4 - Notice your reaction to both questions.

The assumption began that 2010 was a successful year -- did it change your retrieval process?

5 - Now, look forward into 2011. Ask yourself the following question:

"If I could envision the year I'd like to create, what is the first thing that comes to mind?"

6 - Be sure to pay attention to the very first flicker of an image or voice that arrives in your consciousness, as that is usually a divining rod to the soul, and the answer to follow.

Maybe it is an unexpected answer, like more time with the spouse, or learning how to dance. Once this image has come to mind, thank yourself for the recognition.

So often our lives are filled with the "woulds" and "shoulds" of life, so the inner voices of destiny rarely are given the microphone and center stage. Acknowledge whatever vision has come to mind, and let it make you smile!

7 - The final step is about Intention. Ask yourself:

"What are two steps that I will commit to take around this thought in the month of January?"

Again, nothing radical; just two simple steps.

8 - Close the visualization with words of gratitude for this burgeoning intention, and blow out your candle. That's it!


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29 Dec 2010

Participate In Activities You Enjoy

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ballagio christmas garden 2011 ornamentImage by VSELLIS
We discover that our individual limitations reach far beyond the boundaries we had previously assigned to ourselves when we immerse ourselves vigorously in the activities that energize and excite us. 

It is when we participate in pursuits we enjoy that we are most willing to extend ourselves physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Because we have little fear of failure—as we recognize that mistakes and mishaps are natural aspects of individual growth—we dedicate our bodies, minds, and souls to the challenges before us. 

We feel good knowing that we are reaching past the borders of our comfort zones with some degree of success, and are thus encouraged to continue our explorations. 

You will feel strong and accomplished today as you push yourself past the arbitrary limits that once held sway over your conduct. —DailyOM

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28 Dec 2010

Feel The Confidence Already Established In Your Soul

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Dome and balconies of Galeries Lafayette store...Galeries Lafayette, Paris via Wikipedia
We can surmount almost any obstacle the universe chooses to put in our paths when we believe in our ability to cope with and adapt to changing circumstances. 

Because we have faith in the value of our innate cleverness, we are more apt to make use of our intellectual resources when faced with challenges that seem impossibly difficult. 

Situations in which there is no chance of traversing a straight path energize us because we relish the opportunity to make use of our creativity in the discovery of offbeat solutions. 

Every resource available to us, whether physical or cerebral, is put into play as we explore the possibilities open to us, no matter how oblique or fantastic they may seem at first. 

No single challenge will interfere with your resolve today because you know that you are capable of besting anything. —DailyOM
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27 Dec 2010

Who Cares About The Facts: Extend Your Thoughts Beyond Reality

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Stacked christmas ballsImage by jcoterhals via Flickr
Many around you want to point out "reality" to you. They say, "Face the facts. Look at what-is." And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is—then, by Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is... 

You must be able to put your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more.
— Abraham 

PS. I have this book and it is incredibly clear, well-written and so easy to understand. Plus, it has some excellent affirmation tools to help you attract what you really want in your life.
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25 Dec 2010

A Perfect Story For Christmas About Giving: It Must Be Raining

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Rain FlowerImage by Prato9x        
This is a perfect Christmas story: a story for our times to remind us of what's important. Courtesy of Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day.


The images flash across my television screen as I sit there in the comfort of my home.

"It's that time of year again," I thought to myself.

Then realizing how foolish that was to say, I sat up in my chair and watched closer.

The news reporter was telling the story of one of many food banks in our area that were serving those in need of the basics for the holidays.

This particular place had both food and clothing. Food for the body and warm second hand coats for children.

"It's that time of year again," replayed in my mind.
Rain FlowerImage by 6U5 I meant that throughout the holidays we see such reports over and over, unlike the other 11 months when the same people are hungry, in need of clothing, basic services and a little help with life.

Maybe I said it because I was becoming numb to it all, like watching the same commercials a hundred times.

I was about to feel the real impact of it all.

I was sitting at the counter having breakfast at a local diner the next day.
It's a small "quaint" place. Local people, husband and wife cook and serve.

A man walked in and sat next to me. There is little elbow-room as it is and he was a big fellow.

On top of the milk dispenser is a small television placed there for both the customers enjoyment and the owners when things get slow.

After rain flowers-07Image by Julie70 via FlickrIt just so happened that the news was on and once again that same report on the food bank. This time it included more information and a few interviews of some of the people who participated.
There was a little girl looking through the coats. 

The reporter asked her if she found something that fit.

She turned toward the camera and smiled. She flipped her soft brown hair up over the collar as she pulled and tugged at the front to make sure it would zipper properly.

"I like this store. Mommy said I could have any coat I wanted, but I'm getting this one for my friend. Her daddy won't come here. Mommy says he's too proud. Whatever that means. All I know is Mandy needs a coat."

Rain FlowersImage by Sandra Regina Out of the corner of my eye I could see the man next to me lower his head. Without looking up he fumbled for a napkin and began to wipe his eyes.

"Incredibly sad, isn't it?" I said.

He didn't respond.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes," he said quietly.

"Hey, don't feel bad, I've shed many tears through the holidays for those who don't have nearly as much as I and I am in no way financially set for life," I told him.
"I'm a writer. I live on my dreams," I added.
He turned toward me. I could still see the dampness of tear-filled eyes. 

He raised his hand to his chest and pointing at himself he said..."I'm Mandy's father. That's the first I've seen that. The little girl goes to school with my daughter."

Oh, my god! My chest tightened, my hands shook and I shared in his tears.
Rain flowersImage by genibee "It must be raining," he joked.

We spoke for a few more minutes about how he felt and what he needed to do. Turns out he's unemployed for more than a year now and doing odd jobs to pay bills.
We said our goodbyes and I approached the register. I whispered that I wanted his check.

"He only gets coffee," she said.

"Well, here. This is for my meal, his coffee and tell him this is for Mandy. He'll understand."

Many years ago I spoke at my friend's church in Atlanta, The Ark of Salvation, a woman came up to me and said God told her to give me everything she had in her wallet. 

I was shaken by the thought and began to refuse it. Things were better for me back then. I couldn't justify what she offered.

God spoke to me as I listened to her explain.

After rain flowers-10Image by Julie70 via Flickr"It isn't very much, but God said that it would multiply. Please take it."

I did. I shared the story with Nathaniel Bronner, the pastor of the church and he smiled assuring me I did the right thing.
It was $57. I always carry it with me until this very day. I give it away and replace it. It has indeed multiplied many times.

God is an amazing God Who has never failed to replace that $57 each and every time I use it.

I turned to walk away and another man sitting at the counter grabbed my arm and said..."I overheard your conversation with that man. I'll help him, too."

He then wiped his eyes and said, "He's right. It must be raining."

Bob Perks

Bob Perks is an inspirational author and speaker. Bob's new book I Wish You Enough has been published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. A collection of stories based on his Eight Wishes expressed below. Available through your favorite bookstore or online. Visit

"I Wish You Enough!"
(c) 2001 Bob Perks
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Goodbye."

To go along with that how about:

Ed and Deb Shapiro's 6 Lessons Santa Claus Teaches Better Than Any Guru 

Merry Christmas to all 
and to all a good night!
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24 Dec 2010

The "White Envelopes" Tradition For Christmas: Start Yours!

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g13: red roses in a bed of white syringa  431☺08Image by Juergen Kurlvink

You may or may not have heard this story before. I did last year and I tweeted the site that carried it like crazy! 

It is awesome and inspiring and just right and as Bob Proctor said "it is a tradition at Insight of the day to send this story just before Christmas" and I love traditions like this!

It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past 10 years or so.

It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas. Oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it, overspending , the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma, the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else.

Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way. Our son, Kevin, who was 12 that year was wrestling at the junior level at the school he attended, and shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner-city church.
First Bloom in the Spring Rose Garden   Image by TT IN THE DESERT  These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in the spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes. 

As the match began I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler's ears. It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford. 

Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his tatters with false bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn't acknowledge defeat. 

Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, "I wish one of them could have won," he said. "They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them." Mike loved kids, all kids, and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball and lacrosse.
English white - rose - white for loveImage by CharlesFred  That's when the idea of his present came. That afternoon, I went to a local sporting good s store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent them anonymously to the inner-city church. On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me. 

His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and in succeeding years. For each Christmas, I followed the tradition, one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on. 

The envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. 

It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning and our children, ignoring their new toys, would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal its contents. As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the envelope never lost its allure. The story doesn't end there.

You see we lost Mike last year due to dreaded cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree, and in the morning, it was joined by three more.
Each of our children, unbeknownst to the others, had placed an envelope on the tree for their dad. The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope. Mike's spirit, like the Christmas spirit, will always be with us.

Nancy W. Gavin
This story is a true story and inspired four siblings from Atlanta, GA to start The White Envelope Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting this tradition and charitable giving.  The White Envelope Project founders are regularly in touch with the family in the article and are thrilled to have their support. The Gavin family and now thousands of others continue to celebrate the "white envelope" tradition each year. 

For more information about The White Envelope Project or to honor a loved one through a "white envelope" gift this year, please visit their website:
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23 Dec 2010

Are You The Captain Of Your Soul?

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Oh Lord, Lift Up my Soul in the MorningImage by -RejiK
As you reflect on the year that is coming to a close, and make plans for the new one, ask yourself, in all honesty, are you the captain of your soul. 

William Ernest Henley says:

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid

It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul 
Merry Christmas to one and all!

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22 Dec 2010

Resistance: A Sign That Something Is Amiss

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A neatly decorated Christmas cake.Image via Wikipedia
When it seems that all of our efforts are being met with resistance, thoughtfully examining the underlying cause of the roadblocks standing between us and our dreams can help us get unstuck. 

Oftentimes, the appearance of numerous setbacks in our paths is the universe's way of informing us that we are off-track and need to reexamine our objectives. 

Pushing against the resistance before us can cause more resistance. Yielding to it, on the other hand, enables us to approach the impediments to our progress with conscious awareness of their origins and potential significance. 

In acknowledging that there are likely other paths we can take, our minds are opened to a variety of unexpected possibilities. 

You will discern the full range of options available to you today when you regard resistance as a sign that something is likely amiss. —DailyOM

Merry Christmas to you all!
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21 Dec 2010

Choose The Situation You Are In or Lose Control of The Plot

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A Danish Christmas tree illuminated with burni...A Danish Christmas tree via Wikipedia
If you want to solve your problem you have to accept responsibility for it. You have to deliberately choose it; it is your only way out.

This means increasing your awareness of your world.
David Gikandi, author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money suggests one way to choose it. I have used his suggestion and my goodness, what a change I created:

Here is a shortcut to solving problems, including financial ones. 

Whenever you are faced with a confusing, unclear, or problematic situation, look at it and say, "I am that." And truly accept it, for you caused it and  separation is an illusion. 

Then ask yourself, "Why am I that?" All confusion and  fear will disappear, and solutions will  automatically start to appear in the face of your "I am that" awareness. This applies to any situation, actually not just to a problem.

Choose the situation you are in or lose control of the plot. It is your life you know. YOU decide what you want and what is unacceptable.

If you don't like it, change it.

So, end the year right people and start off the coming new year on a brand new footing.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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20 Dec 2010

Spend Time With Yourself and Recover Your Equilibrium

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Magnolia grandiflora flower and foliage.Image via WikipediaSpending time alone with yourself is what everyday spirituality is all about.

I need it, you need it and everyone benefits when you are centred. Then you can weather any storm. Think on that.

Our alone time is time we spend with ourselves. 

Just as we must nurture our relationships with others and tend to our responsibilities, we must also cultivate our relationship with ourselves. 

The world tends to reflect the way we feel about ourselves. If we are unwilling to give ourselves our full attention, it is unlikely that we will find the attention we crave from others. 

When you are alone, you can hear your thoughts without distraction and take care of yourself in ways that you aren't able to when you are with other people. Spend time with yourself today, and you'll be able to sort through your feelings and rediscover your equilibrium. DailyOM
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19 Dec 2010

Tune In To Your Body's Signals

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Erdbeerblüte, Fragaria 2Image via Wikipedia
You may feel tuned in to your body’s signals today which could lead you to explore opportunities for creating greater harmony between body, mind, and spirit. 

Allowing your body to express its needs will lead you in the right direction for creating the serenity you crave. 

Simply find a quiet place to be alone, and open a notebook or journal to a blank page. 

At the top of the page, write the question: “Body, what can I do to make you happier and healthier today?” 

Then, close your eyes and allow the answer to rise from your subconscious mind. Your answer may arrive in written form, as text in your mind’s eye or as an audible message whispered in your ear. —DailyOM
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18 Dec 2010

Heal Rifts And Build Something Beautiful Together

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In My Vulnerability, You Bring the Greatest He...Image by prayerfriends It may be that the light we need to illuminate our frustrations is acceptance. 

Once we can accept our families for who they are rather than struggling against them, we can often begin to see what we thought were weaknesses as strengths. 

In this world of dualities, everything we experience has two sides. But what may seem bad in one context may be good in another. 

By taking away labels and looking at characteristics today, you can stop trying to use a hammer to paint a picture, and instead find the right place for the right attributes so that you can heal rifts and build something beautiful together. —DailyOM
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17 Dec 2010

Say "Yes" To Your Life: Short-Circuit Negativity

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Outstretched Arms (explored!)Image by Taylor.McBride™ 
Judith Johnson wrote a wonderful article Self-Acceptance: 6 Ways to say "Yes" to your life  and in it she proposed a wonderful technique for us to welcome whatever we are living right now and coming to grips with it.

It is time to say 'yes' to your life and short-circuit negativity!

Welcoming Whatever Is Present. This one is from Tara Brach, and I find that practicing it can be quite amusing. At first, it seemed crazy to me to say, "Oh, I gained five pounds, and I feel ashamed of myself and hopeless. I should welcome these feelings! Come on in and sit with me. Have a cup of tea. What are you here to teach me?"

In time, I've come to recognize that by embracing whatever is present, I am short-circuiting my autopilot negativity to what I don't like or want. Instead of allowing my judgments and resistance to escalate, I practice keeping my consciousness open to the possibility that even this thing I don't like is here for a purpose in my life. I ask myself, "How is this for me rather than against me?"

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16 Dec 2010

Accepting Responsibility Is Painful But Choose It You Must!

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Accepting responsibility is painful but choose it you must.

When you find yourself in any kind of difficulties which continue unabated regardless of your attempts to solve it, acting as if you created it all and accepting that responsibility is the only way to fix it.

When you react you create more problems; when you do nothing the problems are still present. From time to time you may find yourself in a calm "zone" where you become the observer; it is wonderful.

You feel separated from it all and safe but you know that the peace is not going to last and are already wondering when the next crisis will occur.

Eventually, you start thinking about the contentious situation. Then, one thought leads to another, and another and eventually (HA!) you find yourself right back in the same shitty situation you were dreading; reacting and being small like everyone else.

Doesn't that suck?!

This is what I discovered with the assistance of the marvelous David Cameron Gikand's A Happy Pocket Full of Money — Creative Director on the movie The Secret:

The first universal law is the Law of Cause and Effect — for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, what you reap you sow (karma) and so on — and we all have experienced these effects. 

No need for examples here — what I am getting at quite simply is that whenever you or I find ourselves in a situation not of our choosing, we must first accept it in order to find a solution.

Because it is never about the other person, it is always about us.

Follow these two steps to get yourself out of "debt":

Step One: as the wonderful Judith Rich advised in one of her articles ..... you have to choose what you are living Now.  It is happening and if you do nothing it will still be there tomorrow (which will still be Now when it gets here). 

Say "I choose it" or "I am that" — you must identify yourself with your situation — rejection and resistance is what is creating your suffering!

This is an extremely powerful and self-empowering act.

I did it and it hurts like a bitch to the core but choose it anyway; it liberates you at the same time. No, you do not feel that right away, not in the slightest.

Obstacles come all the time. If you get upset that means the ego is back. When obstacles come if you're not upset and you're still present, you will look at whatever the obstacle is with a penetrating gaze of presence, which is stillness also. You look at whatever obstacle arises, you bring this penetrating stillness to it, and that is like a light that shines on it and dissolves the obstacle or shows you a way around it. That's the power of consciousness.  —Eckhart Tolle

The discovery I mentioned earlier about the Law of Cause and Effect is in Step Two: Ask yourself (Gikandi's suggestion) "how am I the cause?" because you are living the effect of a thought, repeated incessantly with strong emotion, which created the effect of disharmony that you are now experiencing.

I know, this is a real toughie but persevere; it is worth more than you know.

Peace Flower
Image by Geishaboy500
As Gikandi stated in his book and as I can attest, you will receive a clear and deliberate response to your question.

The process worked this way for me:

On the first day, I tried but kept falling into the same rut of accusatory and resentmentful thoughts so I tried going a little deeper into my past mental activities, to no avail.

On the second day I got more of the same acrimony I had been living with for a while and that told me that I was not making any progress.

However, on the third day I received my answer — but damn, liberation is so sweet — the "technique" David suggested worked!

My AHA! Moment

I left the house and settled myself on a terrace with a cold drink to read the weekend dailies from cover to cover. Suddenly, I paused for no reason(!) to look at the rain which had been pouring buckets for quite a while.

Immediately, thoughts of my relatives popped into my head. At first I told myself "STOP, leave it". It happened again a few minutes later and my thoughts went something like this:

How could I be the "bad guy", why would they treat me so badly when all I wanted to do was help them? There is so much I could have done because for once in their lives when I was in desperate straits and forced to approach them for help, they were there for me...

And right there people, on that final querying thought is when the answer came — as the next thought — in exactly these words:
Instead of accepting the largesse I was offering, they wanted my help "on their terms".

To say that I was amazed at that response would be putting it mildly — what an AHA! moment!

Peace Lily
Image by photoholic1

I thanked my Inner Being, my Self, the wiser half of me, immediately.

Now, keeping in mind that this is my abuser — the mother I forgave years  ago — and a sister who has patterned herself in the same mold, I would be mad to allow them power over me. Wouldn't I... except that that is exactly what ended up happening.

Understanding dawned about why I felt so incredibly resentful and enraged at this duo plus one (sister's husband) who dictated what I must do and how I must do it in their house to "pay my way" or else. 

For details (only if you want to) the full story is in Closing the final chapter of my 9-year odyssey.

My resentment was based on the fact that I had moved on — I am new, profoundly changed and more aware — and after twenty-four years absence from the country and these individuals (last seen in 2003), they had not evolved where it mattered.

They still wanted to use me for their own selfish means with no thought of my needs (that is nothing new).

This two-step cause and effect technique is simple as one plus one equals two and the benefits will last you a lifetime, and it can also be used on any difficult situation. As Gikandi says in A Happy Pocket Full of Money:

Do not dwell on the past.  Forgive others also.  You are not doing them a favor when you forgive them; you are doing yourself the favor.  They will still have their cause-and-effect (karmic) debt for all their actions whether you forgive them or not.  But when you forgive them, you release yourself from a negative karmic cycle and release your energy for other positive things as well.

Character counts, you know. 

In January, I asked Can you forgive and forget without condoning in 2010?  I can and I have. 

I am larger than life, I am brilliant and I am worth it. I accept this now and despite what I allowed my relatives to subject me to, I cannot disown my mother (for years, I wished I could).  

I do not particularly like her. I stopped calling her mamie and started using her first name when I was eight years old.

However, I am very grateful to her for giving birth to me — I chose that. And I also forgave the rapist she preferred over me (because he will get his in the same way she is now living her "debt") and so on...

The beauty of my situation is that it brought up all the other unresolved issues I had buried — incredibly unjust actions I had been subjected to which I know they accepted as their right because my mother set the pattern.

They surfaced in my mind — every. single. one. — and kept churning and repeating, adding fuel to the emotional flames.

Wasn't that great? I would still be stuck (somewhere) if all this had not happened. This has been such a fine adventure and my goodness, what a release!

When you get to this stage of release, there is nothing to do, nothing to say. Being and feeling yourself buoyed up by I AM is exquisite. You know that you can deal with anything that happens next.

But why did all this happen now, at year's end? 

Everything coalesced within three weeks from the day I started reading A Happy Pocket Full of Money and understood how I (we) manipulate subatomic particles to create everything that occurs in our world, and I was only 50 pages or so into the book.

I had been living this shit since March and it worsened every day so a respite would have been welcomed but I wasn't ready, you see; it is that simple. 

Everything had to surface. I had to live it, resist it, suffer through it, see myself reflected in the live mirror of others (anger is ugly but resentment is scalding), and decide that I wanted something better!

My relatives prefer the old, aggressive, uncomplaining, used and abused, take charge and fix it model, you see.

I had to cry my rivers of tears, feel my heart almost literally trampled upon, and I had to see with the eyes of an adult what I understood years ago, that I will never be loved or accepted as I am.

I had to:

finalise the sentence "I am worth it" by dotting the "I's" and crossing the "T's";

empty my baggage of the hand-me-down beliefs that were never mine in the first place and ditch the sacrificial lamb suit;

empty the refrigerator of all the items I "bought" during my formative years spent in that household which had passed their "use-by-date";

defrost the emotional freezer and clear out all the rotten "nourishment" that I had been preserving; and finally,

accept that I was the cause of it all and decide to take responsibility.

I worked through all the stages of suffering like an addict; the detox was nine months long; brutal and dehumanising but I made it!

Dawn in the Naples gulfSunrise via WikipediaIn other words, the old "me" had to die.

The first ten years of my life affected the following thirty-eight; can you believe that!

I tell you true, psychological abuse is a terrible, terrible thing to experience!

I am so grateful for this tumultuous year of 2010 HAHAHA... 

I am moving on to bigger and better and brighter things now. 

Detoxing and defecating is such a fabulous thing to do; I highly recommend it but please, don't do it on anyone okay.

A laughing Buddha recently appeared in my mind and he's constantly going HAHAHAHAHA... existence is hilarious... everything is hilarious and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

Peace to all!

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15 Dec 2010

Follow The Guidance of Your Heart

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spark2Image by Ak~i               
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are free to enjoy what the world has to offer. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with surrounding ourselves with material objects that help us feel good. 

In the best situation, our most prized possessions reflect ourselves back to us through memories and emotional associations. 

They can make our homes nurturing places that help us to experience prosperity and the fullness of life. But as with any investment of our energy, the intention behind the desire or the action is what is truly important, when you follow the guidance of your heart and intuitive wisdom. —DailyOM
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14 Dec 2010

A One-Legged Bird Can Still Fly

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What must I do
Am I a fool
That doesn't ring true

Am I a song
Whose melody is unsung

Am I a one-winged bird
That cannot fly
A blackbird that cannot be white

A one-legged bird can still fly
That means I can try

I refuse to make do
That would lead to...
More poo

I intend to break free
I intend to do what's right for me
I intend to live in truth and in love
And fill that hole in my soul.
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