Best Blogger Tips

29 May 2009

Gratitude In Bloom ¦ I'm Over The Moon

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Best Blogger Tips
Today, I personify gratitude in bloom. I am grateful for:

1. Being alive and full of hope
2. My vibrant health
3. Becoming
4. The sunshine, the birds and the trees and the breeze
5. The wonderful man in my life who suits me just right
6. My family and friends who help me so unstintingly
7. My debts to be paid in full
8. All that I ask for comes to pass
9. Feeling so blissed out and blessed

10. The universe that is one with me
11. My feelings of desperation and fear and loneliness
12. My hard upbringing and painful experiences
13. My lovely home
14. Being rich and wealthy and prosperous

15. Giving birth to something bigger than me
16. Being grateful
17. The EFT Masters and experts whose videos have allowed me to release my toxic emotions safely
18. Laura Silva and the Silva Centering Exercise.

I am grateful to be blooming!

What are you grateful for today? Take a minute and write them down - five would do, and in fact, why don't you do it everyday.

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