What's interesting is I am an excellent money manager which makes the situation quite interesting. I was just into self-sabotage. I repeated the first fifteen minutes for two hours and I knew from the physical reactions I had that I was right on the money.
EFT always works you know. Sometimes the results are subtle yet profound. But when dealing with emotions that come up in a session, the results are very "visible".
It's important to understand that tapping sessions start with negative phrases to trigger emotional problem areas because you can't heal what you can't feel. So when it touches a "sore" spot it forces the feelings to surface. Here's a Youtube video introduction to EFT.
It is all a learning process, and we are all a work in progress.
I continued from the previous night's session and when I got to the part about being angry at "someone" for my situation, I tensed. It was my last boss who was a total shit but I hadn't thought of the sucker in two years!
Anyway, the pressure dissipated then coalesced in my chest, constricting it and by the time I started on the "you are not worthy" part, I could barely speak. There was such a huge, hard lump in my throat it felt like a fist.
Then tears started running down my face like a river. I didn't think I was capable of tears. Man, I thought those tear ducts had dried up and atrophied long ago because I have cried enough tears inside to fill an ocean. Boy, was I wrong.

And it all leads right back to my dear old mother, Marian but that was not a surprise. I'm moving forward to work through and obliterate this mental barrier installed in childhood. I need to get to where I want to be.
As all my teachers have said of her, you cannot teach what you have not learned, or for that matter, give what you never received.
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