Is your style abandonment, entitlement, subjugation, exclusion, mistrust, failure, being unloveable, perfectionism, deprivation, vulnerability? Have you ever thought about it though?
It might be a wake up call for many particularly those of us going through major changes; our emotions get hijacked during stressful times so it's worth having a read.
Abraham-Hicks say:
» Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts, we encourage that you simply pay attention to how you are feeling.
For if you should choose a thought that is not in harmony with the way that broader, older, wiser, loving Inner Being part of you sees it,
you will feel the discord, and then you can easily redirect your thought to something that feels better, and therefore serves you better. «
Bennett-Goleman expands on these emotional styles which provide a lot of food for thought. It's not as in-depth as I would like but then it is a magazine.
Like the court case I lost today ... well I made concessions since I was partly to blame but it brought me right back to my own emotional style -- distrust and all that it implies.
It's rather telling that the article title leapt out at me today when I opened my mail since I usually keep it all for the weekend, then decide to read or trash it.
Like the court case I lost today ... well I made concessions since I was partly to blame but it brought me right back to my own emotional style -- distrust and all that it implies.
It's rather telling that the article title leapt out at me today when I opened my mail since I usually keep it all for the weekend, then decide to read or trash it.
Technorati Tags: emotions:-a-clue-to-you-and-me
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