He said that he was expected to handle and cook pork sausages and bacon in the police canteen. When he complained the powers that be suggested that he wear gloves which makes sense to me. Just get on with it. But ... he said that it's the principle of the thing. Can someone explain this to me? Why should muslims be accorded special treatment in this area? He's the one who took the job after all.
You accepted the job just get on with it. His request to not handle pork dishes was refused of course, and rightly so. Did this fool expect the canteen services staff to hire another cook just to handle pork dishes? How preposterous can you get.
The judge should throw out the case and charge that man for wasting the court's time!
I am so sick of these muslims who feel that they have the right to special treatment because of their religion. They do not. Religion is a private matter and is kept at home. They are no better than we are and every time I see one of these ridiculous cases, it pisses me off.
It's terrible here in Europe where millions of them immigrated for a better life yet have raised their children to be just as intolerant and ignorant as they are. Thereby perpetuating the same vicious cycle and yet they act as victims.

Any group that believes women are not worthy of respect gets two thumbs down in my book. The unfortunate part is that their women play an active role in the brain-washing of their children.
I grew up in a multicultural society in Trinidad and Tobago where nobody is interested in or talks about religion per se. You practise whatever suits you, at home or in your church, temple or synagogue! It's got tons of problems but one thing is not an issue and that's religion; well... except during election time when their monkey glands "raise".
I tell you Britain is going to be a laughing stock if they allow this kind of nonsense to continue.
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