I have to share this EFT video that Brad Yates put together a morning jumpstart video. It directs your attention to positivity and just plain old goodness and abundance.
It's like opening your arms wide and embracing the rising sun; seven minutes is not that long, is it? EFT is good for almost anything that ails you.
It's like opening your arms wide and embracing the rising sun; seven minutes is not that long, is it? EFT is good for almost anything that ails you.
... works on almost anything that ails you, emotional, mental, or physical,
Gary Craig - EFT FounderIt works by lightly tapping on specific meridian points on the body as used in Chinese medicine. It is important however that you take responsibility for your own well-being.
Tap o' the Morning
Sublime is the only word I can use to describe it after I started the morning tapping this week. It's almost as good as early morning sex.
Because all physical ailments are first manifested emotionally, clearing the blockages (long-held false beliefs), lead to mental, emotional and eventually physical healing. But the proviso is that you continue EFT tapping to break through the blockage or consult an expert practitioner.
And as with all matters that affect body and mind, all EFT expert practitioners, and I am not one, advise that you consult your medical practitioner if you have any doubts about this technique.
Brad has free videos on Youtube, in addition to what's on BradYates.net, covering issues like love, fears about money, self esteem, and such.
His recommendations about which EFT sites would be useful for particular issues are quite helpful.
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