And let's put this in perspective please - one thousand and thirty-eight deaths around the world does not an epidemic make!
The statistics now show that it's mainly young people in their twenties and thirties who have died in Mexico which is natural as it seems to be the point of origin.
But that says to me that their immune system was shot to hell and they were extremely unhealthy but didn't look it.
Not one obese American has died and that is damned shocking and it's made a liar of the medical profession right there too.
I heard an idiot scientist say on CNN "this is a new virus and the body doesn't know how to deal with it". I wrote it down word for word because I had never heard such crap in a long time.
The hu-man body is a superbly perfect machine that constantly regenerates itself from skin to organs and is more than capable of handing any illness or disease if we would let it, gently help it along and not pump masses of chemicals into it.
You thoughtlessly eat chemically modified foods without question. You eat cows and pigs that are pumped full of chemicals to force grow them for slaughter and you drink the cow's milk.
You eat veal - animals that never ever see sunlight and whose hooves never touch the ground in order to keep the meat white and muscle-free. Can you not understand that dis-ease and early death result from ingurgitating this stuff on a regular basis.
Have you ever seen the true size of a naturally raised chicken and compared it to the monstrosities sold in the supermarkets? From chick to ten pounds in one month... Come on people, wake up.
When will you all understand that meat eaters will always be easy prey to killer viruses that vegetarians and vegetalians will never get. <85%;">
And I'm not talking about those idiots who ended up in hospital or died from eating infected raw cheese and milk. The Amish could have taught them a thing or two, for sure.
Of course the omnipresent milk industry and lobby blamed the fact that the milk was unpasteurized which of course is total nonsense because I grew up on cow's milk still warm from the udder. But that's another story.
If you insist on eating meat cut it down to once a week; your body will have much less work to do, evacuating your bowels will stink less. Find farmers who raise their animals on grass not corn as that's chemically modified.
Do you all realize that the only profiteer in this swine business is Roche and it's shareholders with it's infamous stock of Tamiflu which they've been trying to unload on the gullible and unsuspecting public every time there's an "epidemic"? And the mask business is booming too.
Technorati Tags: swine-flu-ramblings
The hu-man body is a superbly perfect machine that constantly regenerates itself from skin to organs and is more than capable of handing any illness or disease if we would let it, gently help it along and not pump masses of chemicals into it.
You thoughtlessly eat chemically modified foods without question. You eat cows and pigs that are pumped full of chemicals to force grow them for slaughter and you drink the cow's milk.
You eat veal - animals that never ever see sunlight and whose hooves never touch the ground in order to keep the meat white and muscle-free. Can you not understand that dis-ease and early death result from ingurgitating this stuff on a regular basis.

When will you all understand that meat eaters will always be easy prey to killer viruses that vegetarians and vegetalians will never get. <85%;">
And I'm not talking about those idiots who ended up in hospital or died from eating infected raw cheese and milk. The Amish could have taught them a thing or two, for sure.
Of course the omnipresent milk industry and lobby blamed the fact that the milk was unpasteurized which of course is total nonsense because I grew up on cow's milk still warm from the udder. But that's another story.
If you insist on eating meat cut it down to once a week; your body will have much less work to do, evacuating your bowels will stink less. Find farmers who raise their animals on grass not corn as that's chemically modified.
Do you all realize that the only profiteer in this swine business is Roche and it's shareholders with it's infamous stock of Tamiflu which they've been trying to unload on the gullible and unsuspecting public every time there's an "epidemic"? And the mask business is booming too.
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