I am uncovering the limiting beliefs I didn't know I had about money; learned as a child from observing my mother.
Pretending everything is okay when it's not is poisonous. Ignoring obvious signals and then discover that I was self-sabotaging all along is disheartening. That's hard to admit but I was living that until a month ago.
It all started when I decided that I wanted a new level of income by December 2009 and my first million by December 2010. I have since discovered that I have a success thermostat that's keeping me lower than where I want to be. This discovery is fascinating.
Here's Brad Yates explaining the success thermostat.
Since I uncovered this monster in the closet, I understand why I was worrying what people would think. Low self esteem encourages us to accept less than the best, as I have on occasion. And that is so not my style but I still didn't pay attention!
I have always treated life and work as a battle since I started my first "proper" job at eighteen. A few years ago my psychologist helped me to understand that it was necessary for my survival due to the abuse and the decades of depression I had endured.
It never dawned on me that deciding to increase my income in order to live the life I dream of for myself would have such repercussions!
My life is one hell of an amazing adventure not always happy but boy, does it make me think.
The lesson here is when things start to go wrong and bad thoughts become the norm of the day, STOP. Take a step back and re-evaluate. It probably means you are going against the flow - upstream. That's my pity story for today.
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