Offering gratitude is a pressing need I feel on this Sunday before Christmas for my wonderful life.
It's a fantastic way to remind myself of what's real and true; particularly when I start thinking that nothing's going right.
It's a fantastic way to remind myself of what's real and true; particularly when I start thinking that nothing's going right.
Gratitude brings your attention to what is real in present time, and from there you allow for something better to come into your life.
Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
It is such drivel but hey, it happens. Would you believe, at first I couldn't even get past number three and then it all started to flow.
Today, Christmas Sunday, the 50 things I'm so very grateful for are:
Today, Christmas Sunday, the 50 things I'm so very grateful for are:
1 - my wonderful neighbour, Monia;
2 - my lovely home;
3 - all the wonderful teachers I have been in contact with;
4 - the television programmes I enjoy watching on my Macbook;
5 - my paper supply which supports my writing;
7 - Eric at Arts Café, and so many other wonderful teachers who help me go further because of their insightful messages and challenges;
8 - Abraham's clear and lucid explanations to my questions;
9 - receiving all the the help I ask for every day;
10- being able to ask for help;
11- my family for the moral support and my mother for her financial support;
12- my laptop;
13- my beautiful blog;
14- the fantastic meals I ate today, delicious, nourishing and filling;
15- my nice clothes and jewellery;
16- my coat and scarf which kept me warm today;
17- my cleansing tisanes;
18- my surprising emotional growth;
19- the ability to reach out honestly to others;
20- my authentic voice and being able to speak my truth without rancor or defensiveness.
21- my increasing abundance on all levels;22- my beautiful, healthy hair;
23- my wonderful hot, running water;
25- the hot water bottle for my bed (I keep the heat off in my bedroom);
26- my big, comfy bed;
26- my big, comfy bed;
27- the stove to cook my food;
28- the money I unexpectedly received to buy my new fridge;
29- my brand new fridge which I didn't know I needed until the old one died;
30- my washing machine to keep all my belongings clean;
31- my Canon Sureshot camera;
32- my telephone camera;
33- the wonderful photos which offer themselves to my eyes, then pose prettily on my beautiful blog;
34- the town of Geneva for providing all the fantastic photos for my pleasure;
35- my fear which tells me I need to continue work on developing my faith;
36- having lost my excess body fat with effortless effort;
37- loving myself;
39- the love in my heart;
40- my new goals and my intention to attain each one.
41- my expansion;
42- all the abundance and prosperity in my life right now;
43- to accept all as it is right now;
44- to have patience with the universe while it works on my behalf, to bring me what I want;
45- to know that my life is changing for the better;
46- universal love;
47- all the beautiful things in my life;
48- the beautiful day;
49- gaining more control over my thoughts;
And finally,
All of that in just one day, and I could still add things to this list. Imagine that!
All of that in just one day, and I could still add things to this list. Imagine that!
What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace. Agnes M. Pharo
Merry Christmas everyone...
Technorati Tags: offering-gratitude-is-a-pressing-need
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