Best Blogger Tips

16 Dec 2009

Tearing Away The Veil of Illusion: The 24-Hour Perspective

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The 24-Hour Perspective by Jami Sell - arrived in my email box two weeks ago. It's one of Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day and I just read it.

Tearing away the veil of illusion is what it did!  Sometimes, it really does take outside intervention to make us sit up and take notice of our bad habits.

Jami's article is helping me stay on course with Dr Cara Baker's 21-Day Challenge to stop complaining, criticising, and gossiping.

Now, back to Jami's article. If it doesn't stun you in with it's simplicity and veracity, and encourage you to take action to reject negative thoughts as they float up, I don't know what will! 
The 24 Hour Perspective

Not long ago I woke up with a "brown" taste in my mouth and everything started to just go wrong! I remember thinking, "Why is everyone against me!" Then I stopped and thought, "Wait a minute! Not everyone is against me!"
I grabbed a note pad and started writing down the names of everyone that was openly resisting my efforts to just live in peace and joy. Three....That's right - 3 people!
Then I thought about how many people were "in favor" of me and supported me in some way. Double digits!
Then I thought globally. Most people don't even know I exist and out of the ones that do know me and have some interaction with me they remain involved in their own lives and are basically "neutral" toward me.
Then I started thinking about how out of ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE EARTH only 3 people resisted me and how much time did I spend a day interacting with these three people? 
On even the worst days I couldn't think of more than a few minutes of actual interaction. So then I thought about ALL THE NEGATIVE ENCOUNTERS that I had in a single day. 
You know everything from the guy who cuts you off in traffic to the rude comment by someone I don't even know. I was hard pressed on even the WORST day to find more than 5-15 minutes of actual interaction with unpleasant people a day! 
This reality hit me with insight! There have been times when my 24 hour day has been ruined by 15 minutes (and in most cases less than 15 minutes) a day of actual interaction with negative people!
How could that be possible? I survived the 15 minutes so why did this ruin my entire day? Even when I was "cussed" and "cursed" the words didn't hurt me and the curses never came to pass.
Everything that was spoken against me was a threat and did not manifest as a reality! How could something as false and "unreal" as a "threat" ruin my day?
The answer is simple. The threat got into my own thinking and contaminated my mind. People annoyed me for less than 15 minutes and I annoyed myself in my thinking for 23 hours 45 minutes or more a day and I ruined my day!
Now I have learned to put my focus on the positives in my life and to be grateful for all that I have!
Life is all about choices. Is the glass half full or half empty? You decide.
By Jami Sell

Jami Sell is a regular guy, to quote him, and works as a motel desk clerk and loves his three kitties. 

He's also a subscriber to Bob Proctor's Insights Daily Quotes and wanted to share this message of positive thoughts to inspire others. 

Feel free to send Jami an email with your thoughts about his message to: He says he has a backlog of emails, so please be patient. Also, check out Jami and his kitties on Youtube.

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daisies said...

oh wow .. just wow ... thank you for sharing this, it is a simple but powerful message he shares and one that i needed to hear :-) it is one of those things that you read that continue to live with you i think. xo

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Daisies - You got it just right.

We need to hear this message and be reminded when we go off on a tangent. Life is grand isn't it, with people like Jami Sell in the world!


Anonymous said...

I’m honored! If you like this you are going to love my new book set for release in February or March. It is called “Thought And Belief: How To Unlock Your Potential And Fulfill Your Destiny!”


Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Hey Jami,

My man, you are so very welcome. A lot of us have found your Perspective very enlightening and it's a fabulous reality check too!

I look forward to reading your book.

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