Best Blogger Tips

15 Dec 2009

What is Everyday Spirituality: It's Practising Gratitude

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Practising gratitude is a wonderful thing. That's what everyday spirituality is to me, among others of course.

It's a fabulous thing to be thankful for what we have. Before I used to wonder what the hell people were talking about... giving thanks. What did they mean?

Of course I liked what I had in my life, and I wanted more. But for me anything that sounds even remotely like religion sends me off screaming in the opposite direction. I had to understand first what it meant, so it took a while to get here.

And after what I have lived through and overcome in 2009, boy, do I have a lot to be thankful for; so many lessons learned. My life has turned around and I have no idea where it's going. It doesn't even remotely resemble the beginning of 2009 or even last month, and that is quite amazing!

I am
for the guidance 
I receive
from my higher self.

I am grateful for my difficulties 
throughout 2009. They showed me
the barriers which I needed to remove.
I am grateful for my cleansing tears.

I am grateful to all those who have supported
me, financially and spiritually.
I am grateful to have lost all of my savings. If
it hadn't happened, I would not have discovered
the false beliefs which ruled my psyche.

I am grateful to uncover my limiting beliefs

to wealth and abundance.
I am grateful to have erased these false beliefs.

It taught me that money is just an energy, and
that with or without money, I would still be the same.
I am grateful to my mother for caring, and showing it.

I am grateful to my dream director for sending me the dream 
messages I need to know.
I am very grateful to discover healing techniques, tools
and other resources which always appear exactly when I need them.

I am grateful to Switzerland for providing me with a safe haven
to experience this transmutation process.

I am grateful for my life.

I am so grateful for my magnificent body, 
my temple, which has kept evolving
and renewing and healing itself,
despite the abuses I inflicted upon it.
I am grateful to have been born.
I am grateful to be embarking
on a new adventure.

Don't grieve. 
Anything you lose comes round in another form.

Although it's not over yet, 2009 has been a fabulous year of discovery, painful growth and changes, changes, changes. Practising gratitude keeps us in touch with what's real.

So my friends, what do you have to be thankful for in 2009?

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Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Hey Vanessa, Thanks for your comment.

We are definitely sisters at heart. The more you give is the more you get. So how could we not be grateful. Will definitely check you out.


Ettore Grillo said...

For me spirituality is a quest. Always I search for God, the immortal soul, the life after the death. I have been travelling and still I continue to travel, for knowing if after we die everything ends in the eternal nothingness - which is worse then the hell - or something survives to the body's death. The book I have recently written describes some spiritual encounter I have made in occasion of these travels. The title is "Travels of the mind" and it is available at
If you have any question I am most willing to discuss about this topic.
Ettore Grillo

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...


Thanks ever so much for your input. And you're absolutely right, spirituality is a quest which we all seek.

Many happy returns for the holidays.

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