What do you do when you feel that life hurts? Well, it feels like that anyway. You wake up feeling lousy and thinking too much. You can't seem to turn your mind around to a solution. All because you keep going back to the problem instead.
That's me today. What happens then? Well, I start criticising myself viciously and it doesn't end. Nothing is going right because I don't feel right. It's a self-fulfilling vibration. Here are some ways I reconnect with myself, and so could you:
1 - Continue working on my projects regardless of how I feel.
2 - Read my affirmations even though I don't feel like it.
3 - Meditate, and I feel like doing that even less.
4 - Eat something light and hot - soup is good and comforting.
5 - Do something else.
7 - Say repeatedly: It is so and I accept it all.
8 - Take a warm, perfumed bath. I hate baths - they're boring. But I love perfumed smells, and it's winter, so it's warm and relaxing.
9 - Even though I feel like smashing something, I say instead (many times during the day): I abandon control / I free myself from the past to make space for new positive experiences / I attract what I want in my life.
10 - I repeat the good feeling affirmation from the Secret to You video out loud.
11 - You could also laugh your socks off and get those endorphins moving. Disconnect the mind from the body. Watch the videos below.
12 - Psychic Junkie offers wonderfully natural and Practical ways to reconnect to source energy.
14 - Dumb Little Man has 10 Critical things you have to consider which might completely change your outlook on life.
15 - Deepak Chopra suggests Detoxifying your holiday, detoxifying your life. Particularly useful if it's the holidays and perceived stressful situations which you're anticipating with dread.
16 - Danny Brown says go help someone else: 12 Days and 12 Ways to help the homeless. It always works, and you feel sooo good. A person's heartfelt gratitude cannot be bought at any price. Try it!
17 - Positively Present suggests When you want to cry, laugh instead. This actually is my number one. I'm good at laughing.
If you want to try hypnotherapy, Shafin de Zane at Redefine Your Reality came highly recommended to me by another hynotherapist whom I trust.
Reconnecting with yourself and getting back on track is essential for mental and spiritual well-being. Try anything and eveything until you get out of that mood. The longer you stay in it, the further you will sink. I should know!
So, what do you do to get yourself out of the doldrums? Share your tips and tricks.
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So, what do you do to get yourself out of the doldrums? Share your tips and tricks.
Technorati Tags: 18-Ways-to-reconnect-with-yourself
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