Best Blogger Tips

26 Jun 2010

Control Is About Letting Go

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Best Blogger Tips
A gentle reminder from a previous post on how to release the need to control. Control is all about letting go as I have discovered. 

Yes, it is terrifying idea for those who desperately hang onto this need for dear life and as I know to my detriment, fighting on no matter what brings incredible pain and little result. 

Love yourself some more and let go!

I am a person of worth regardless of circumstances. I have unbounded hope for the future. I am lovable, I am significant, I am whole.
Wonderfully exciting things are in store for me. My future is not tied to the past. I am free. I am always okay.

I'm always learning and growing and getting better. I am satisfied and content with where I am right now.
Because where  I am is constantly changing to something better. I am grateful to see new changes every time I look for them.
I love everyone. We are all different and we all have value and worth. I want truth and love in my relationships.
I receive all good things by surrendering to love and faith. I am releasing the urge to control everything around me.

I can be who I am and be loved. I will believe and live the truth of who I am. I intend to live in truth and in love, and do what I need to do in my life.
I am capable. I can do it. Others don't have to do it for me. I have a say over my life.

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