Who are we, really? Do you know who you are, do you? And what are your really made of? These questions came up while I was mentally raging at someone and deciding how to blast them.
But actually I was just venting my because I knew it would be an exercise in futility; talking to the "deaf" is a waste of time!
However, I had to work through the angst somehow and that in turn segued into "who am I really", "why am I wasting my time with this shite. I am so fedup with this situation; let me dig down and see what I'm really made of". That's how it all started.
However, I had to work through the angst somehow and that in turn segued into "who am I really", "why am I wasting my time with this shite. I am so fedup with this situation; let me dig down and see what I'm really made of". That's how it all started.
So after my "fit", I closed my eyes, went into a meditative state and and mentally started stripping. Off came my clothes - that's not who I am. Then I ripped my skin off every part of my body in sheets. I could see the veins, capillaries, muscles, fat and all that red flesh and bulging eyes. That still wasn't me.
So I went further and ripped the flesh off my bones. Now that I was clothed only in the tendons which were holding my bones together, I carefully looked over my skeleton frame. It was like any other skeleton, just bare bones; nothing special and I still hadn't discovered who I am.
A skeletal mess of bare bones
So I decided to go further. Started at my feet, I ripped off the tendons and clack went the foot which separated from the leg bone and crashed to the floor. Huh, the body was now weirdly lopsided.
Did the same with the other foot and clack and thump went that one too. Now I was nice and even on my bony stumps. I continued stripping until my bared bones were sprawled clumsily on the floor save for my left arm, the only one still attached to my shoulder.
So what's left?
I then plucked out my brain and squished it because I knew that it wasn't the seat of my thoughts. Then I did the same to my heart and other organs and after all of that, I was still thinking!
We are definitely not... that
I concluded from my little but rather lengthy experiment that in spite of the undeniable fact of our physical bodies – and most people think that is who they are – which allow us to experience this world, we are definitely not that and I am not that either. So what am I, what are we?
We are much much bigger. At the end, I ended up with an unseen weight in the palm of my hand. I don't know how that suddenly occurred but it did and I have no idea what it was. Is that the sum of who I am, who we are as individuals? No way to tell.
And we are... more than skin, bones and flesh
So what are we then? Who are we, who am I? And where do my, yours, our thoughts come from after we are stripped of our bones?
All I can say is that it felt as if we are living within a gigantic mind and our individual minds – which are not attached to our physical bodies – feed into it thus creating our own realities.
That in turn tells me that WE are all so much more than skin and bones and flesh.
We ARE an undefinable essence – a sort of Presence – unseen yet tangible, energising and animating all.
What do you think dear reader - do you believe we are more than the sum of our parts or are we just a bunch of perfectly functioning cells run by a superb machine called the brain? Do let me know.
We are definitely more! we are energy, breath and apart of all elements. We may have a different experience and here on this earth for different reasons, we all have one thing in common and that's we're human. I may need to meditate on this; however, at times, I find myself asking myself who am I? what am I?
This post has inspired me for an idea for performance work. I've done this "stripping" exercise before, but in a butoh dance class. Very powerful stuff! I'll probably blog about this soon.
Hiy Liz, let me know when you do girl. I'd love to hear about your experiences.
This "who am I" stuff came out of the blue during my morning meditation and of course, I had to blog about. It reminded me of my astral travels because normally my breath takes me "away" and I come back charged up. This experience left me tingling and breathless.
As always my dear, thanks for your comment.
it was great.
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