Best Blogger Tips

9 Jun 2010

Life Is Just About Loving: Get Started Loving Today

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Best Blogger Tips
The thought for today is about love; the global (compassion) kind and the love for that special someone.

I'm thinking about love because of this luscious man that I unexpectedly met and quite by chance too since I definitely wasn't looking; I have enough on my plate as it is.

Life is about loving

I have been thinking about the world of complications he's going to bring into my life right now. And as I sat pondering, I decided to surf his Facebook page  and something shifted right then. 

I don't know what exactly but I saw a photo of his sister and with that came the realisation that life is just about loving. There are no hard and fast rules here. We mess it up lots of times but you know what, it does not matter!

So we fucked up, big deal. So it's not what we thought, so what! The only choice we have is to live the hand we are dealt; there is always something there for us. 

Love self first

We are all here to learn and love, ourselves first and foremost and then the rest because if we cannot love ourselves, nobody sure as hell is gonna love us. 

We meet people along the way who hurt us, maybe even hate us, denigrate us, disrespect us, and all that sort of stuff and what we must take from it is this – we are here to experience the divine in the flesh.

And when we surface from the bracing cold of wintery experiences, we shake ourselves off, warm up and move on.

Stuckness = more growth

Sometimes we seem to stay stuck (forever) but this stuckness brings us more "goodies" in the form of evolutionary growth material. Sure it's violently painful at times and often, we feel more like we are drowning instead of treading in deep waters. 

But we do make it through when we stop resisting and allow ourselves to embrace the pain (as I know all too well). Everything then (bizzarely) sort of slips into place. Growth doesn't get any better than that.

Stop searching for happiness

Life doesn't get any better than this. So stop this nonsense about searching for happiness. Happiness is internal not external. When you get it you try to trap it thereby forcing its premature departure. 

Enjoy what you are doing now, if you can't love it. Be grateful for what you have and where you are right now. Better yet, go find what you love to do even if it's a hobby and get started loving today!

Have a wonderful day people.

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