Best Blogger Tips

12 Jun 2010

How Accepting and Loving of Yourself Are You?

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Ed and Deb Shapiro have written a wonderful article on HuffPost, Intimacy -- Into Me, I See; Into Me, You See. I have included an excerpt but you really ought to read the full article. They include a simple meditation technique for accepting and loving yourself. That's my good news post. Have an absolutely sparkling weekend y'all!

Intimacy implies letting someone else get close to us to see all our secrets and hidden places. An intimate relationship means that we are willing to let go of our defenses and be seen by another for who we are, including all of our vulnerabilities and weaknesses -- into me you see -- which can be terrifying.

Intimacy can cause fear, apprehension, even a shutdown of feelings. Rather than exploring the longed-for togetherness, it can all get too overwhelming, causing us to retreat back into our separate corners, hesitant to reach out again.

Intimacy is not something that can be forced or pulled out of a hat; it comes through the letting go of resistance, through softening and opening to ourselves and to each other.
Meditation and Intimacy

Meditation enables us to accept discomfort instead of trying to smooth over or deny the bumps. We can accept embarrassment and shame, gently embracing whatever is there. Accepting ourselves as we are is immensely liberating. As one of our teachers said, "never be embarrassed by yourself."

Accepting and Loving Myself! Meditation
Find a comfortable place to sit with your back straight and close your eyes. Become aware of your breath. Silently repeat three times: "I am aware that I am breathing." 

Your breath is your best friend ... the closer you are to your breath, the greater the feeling of inner peace. Now bring awareness to your physical body. Silently repeat three times: "I am aware of the whole of my body." 

Visualize your body as if it were a temple ... you live in this temple your whole life... know that your body is a blessing, a great gift.

Now focus awareness to the center of your heart ... breathe into this space, into your heartspace ... your heart is like a beautiful flower opening in the sun. Silently repeat three times: "I am aware of my heart opening." 

Your life is a gift to be cherished ... treasure yourself always. Silently repeat: "My breath is my friend ... my body is my temple ... my heart is open and loving." 

When you are ready, take a deep breath and open your eyes. 

So how accepting and loving of yourself are you? Practise the meditation and come back and share your results with me. I would love to know how it went. 

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