Why this topic... well, I awoke with the thought – I am love – I am life – I am heart – so I made it my meditation mantra this morning.
With that, it seems natural to know how to boost your energy, clear you mind and tone your body: do the Five Tibetans Ritual. It is downright fabulous and it reaffirms feelings of love for myself and others; sometimes that is a real challenge!
Practise one of these every day Justice (upholding the natural laws), Beauty, Love, Compassion, Peace, Kindness, Joy, Laughter, Giving, Receiving, Allowing, Strength, Forgiveness, Mercy, Tenderness, Prosperity, Riches (abundance in all things), Friendship, Happiness, Tolerance, Trust (in Infinite Intelligence), Hope, Knowledge, Harmony, Faith (you know what you know) Positivity, Confidence, Communication, Grace, Gratitude...?
This is my list by the way so go ahead and create your own or modify this one. I created it after adopting a suggestion from Deepak Chopra's The Keys to Knowledge and Riches – translated from French – to practise and live a particular value each day. I did that a few times and now I choose to live one value each year. This year, it is Compassion.
Life goals do not change
Our feelings change throughout the day but our core values do not and our life goal does not change either, even when we do not know what it is. As I am sure most of you know, we find out what we do not like first of all before getting to the good part.
Innate talent takes work
I know we each have one. For instance Oprah understood many years ago that she is a teacher (her words). Of course that does not mean that one automatically assumes the mantle of values such a "vocation" requires.
The talent may be innate but life lessons are required to flesh them out and make them bloom. Yes, you have to grow into who you are and what you are. It takes work!
Meditation techniques to clear out the crud
Ed and Deb Shapiro's 3 mini meditations to help you through your day or night get you in a self-reflection mood where you can work on your core values
Your mind is like a garden so plant happy seeds - Ed and Deb's fabulous Pulling Weeds Meditation
If you believe that you cannot meditate or do not have enough time or it seems so complicated, try these One Moment Meditation and work up. You will be amazed!
How about Fertilising the garden of the heart. After all, your heart is the centre of your being and that spells l.o.v.e. It is what we are all about after all.
My values may be different from yours, and I have no right to be the moral judge of anyone's values. It is important, however, to have core values, and respect them. Without values, we become spiritually bankrupt. ––Deepak Chopra
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