Women in the world today do not have it easy in any respect. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is the key word here. Here are some facts, as a reminder on what we are up against from About.com.
And I don't consider myself a feminist because I do not like labels or categories - I refuse that - as one of my favourite rappers Eminem said I am whatever you say I am.
- Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.
- Only 17 percent of the seats in the US Congress are held by women.
- One out of every 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.
- One out of every 6 women will be sexually assaulted and/or raped in her lifetime.
- Although 48 percent of law school graduates and 45 percent of law firm associates are female, women make up only 22 percent of US federal-level and 26 percent of state-level judgeships.
- Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women in the US, females earn less than men; only one career – speech pathology – pays the same regardless of gender.
- America's top female CEOs earn, on average, 33 cents for every dollar earned by a male CEO.
- There is nothing in the US Constitution that guarantees women the same rights as a man. There is no guarantee of equal rights for women in any legal document or any piece of legislation!
- Despite previous attempts to ratify a UN treaty guaranteeing the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the US refuses to support an international bill of rights for women signed by nearly every other nation on the planet.
- The World Economic Forum's 2009 report on the Global Gender Gap ranked 134 countries for gender parity. The US didn't even make the top 10 – it came in at number 31.
And the struggle goes on, pacifically. We are the smarter of the sexes after all, so let's show it shall we and create the world we want for ourselves and our children (girls in particular)!
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