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29 May 2009

Gratitude In Bloom ¦ I'm Over The Moon

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Today, I personify gratitude in bloom. I am grateful for:

1. Being alive and full of hope
2. My vibrant health
3. Becoming
4. The sunshine, the birds and the trees and the breeze
5. The wonderful man in my life who suits me just right
6. My family and friends who help me so unstintingly
7. My debts to be paid in full
8. All that I ask for comes to pass
9. Feeling so blissed out and blessed

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28 May 2009

The Route To Hell Is Full of Disempowering Actions

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I read a fascinating ego story in the Tribune de Genève, one of the Geneva French dailies, about a typical Swiss man in his mid to late fifties who was beaten up by a thug half his age.

What interested me was the fact that he deliberately put himself in harm's way.

He said that passers by did not stop to help nor obviously did they call the police; he had to go to the station to make a complaint himself.

That attitude is unfortunately typical in Geneva in particular and Switzerland in general. The Swiss are stuck in perpetual observation mode; I think they call it being neutral.

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26 May 2009

Manifest What You Want ¦ 68 Seconds of Pure Thought

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Did you know that within 17 seconds of paying attention to something or someone, you begin to match that vibration?

And within 68 seconds you get what you focus on whether you want it or not? That's the Law of Attraction for you.

Since I discovered the 17 seconds "principle" last week, I have been consciously paying attention to my thoughts and actions and not only is it fascinating, it's bloody hard!

But I've decided to practise this for 30 days to reprogram my mind and habits and change my vibration in order to manifest what I want fast. Abraham-Hicks says:

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25 May 2009

Law of Attraction Affirmations To Say During The Day

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Abraham-Hicks have produced a really beautiful law of attraction affirmations video -  Phrases to say during the day.
Unfortunately, the video can no longer be embedded so follow the link to watch it on Youtube.

I've provided the script below to the video which you could easily print it to carry with you, if you so wish.

I'm good at what I do
Anything I want comes into place
Well-being abounds
Well-being is my birthright
I am worthy
I'm figuring it out as I go; I'm good at that
I don't have to know everything that's going to happen
I know enough
I like where I stand
This is fun
This is being fun
This is getting FUNNER
My vibration is my point of attraction
The laws of the universe are responding to me
I can easily set my tone
I'm getting better at it every day
There is no risk involved
I never get far from well-being
I've discovered how to hold myself within range
I'm really a good fine-tuner
All of this is for fun anyway
I can't get it wrong
I never get it done
It's all about enjoying the powerful NOW
I really love what I do
I love that there are others interacting with me
It's so much fun to interact together
I like it that we all get to choose differently
I like it that we are not the same
I like it that in many ways we are all the same
It's so exhilarating to realise that this is all here for our expansion,
and for our pleasure
The expansion is inevitable
The pleasure is our choice.

With daily practice and perseverance the good feelings the affirmations call forth will take you into the vortex.  That's the feel good place from which everything that is positive flows.

Try to stay in it for as long as possible.


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21 May 2009

Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) | A Get Together At HUB

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Are you ready to shine ... to be brilliant ... to step into your brilliance? I am!

As soon as I heard about Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) from Brad Yates, I knew it was the right social model for me.

There are so many projects worth supporting out there that I've always had a hard time choosing the right ones. But with HUB I don't have to fuss about that anymore.

Charlie Stuart Gay - HUB Founder, Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Chris and Janet Attwood, Robyn Williams and others are part of the HUB faculty.

A socially responsible business model of caring, sharing people that is wholly sustainable. Take Janet's Passion Test to see where you are on that scale.

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18 May 2009

Emotions – A Clue to You and Me

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Tara Bennett-Goleman wrote Emotional Alchemy and now has an interesting article on Oprah Spirit Newsletter entitled Understand Emotional Styles.

Is your style abandonment, entitlement, subjugation, exclusion, mistrust, failure, being unloveable, perfectionism, deprivation, vulnerability? Have you ever thought about it though?

It might be a wake up call for many particularly those of us going through major changes; our emotions get hijacked during stressful times so it's worth having a read.

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15 May 2009

Start Transforming Yourself Now

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Here's what I picked up in latest FinerMinds newsletter. Their motto is personal transformation to expand your mind, body, spirit and freedom.

What I've read over the past three weeks has been very informative with quality, free, downloadable interviews that really make one sit up and take notice.

FinerMinds cover topics from practical to the spiritual and every day down-to-earth stuff. Like their presentation of breakthrough living on 100 tips to make you look and feel good. I don't agree with all the suggestions but it's definitely on the right track.

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14 May 2009

Breaking Through The Barrier of Self Limitation

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I've written a new article on EzineArticles Breaking through the barrier of self-limitation

"...succeed you must if you are to rise above the baseness that's all around, leave the masses behind and fulfill your potential as only you can.

You pursue this path wishing that you hadn't but something is pushing you on to exceed your limits but are they really yours or were they imposed."

Who said that you had to settle for less? Is that what you really want? It is wrong to accept anything less than the best in your life!

Life is all about fulfilling your potential and breaking through the barrier of self limitation is what it's all about.

Leave me a comment.and let me know what you think. I tell it as I live it.

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13 May 2009

Majestic Cleansing and Healing With Ho'oponopono

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This Ho'oponopono stuff is delicious. It's an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that I have just discovered

The Mindbridge-LOA post on Ho'oponopono and Self Identity provides an excellent explanation and description of this technique, as well as the  healing processes.

It is all about taking responsibility for your thoughts which lead to words which lead to actions - many times hurtful and painful. The words to Ho'oponopono are:

I'm sorry 
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

I'm so on the edge right now that it's either take a leap of faith or die. Since I passed the suicidal phase a few years back going forward blindly now is my only option.

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12 May 2009

Chef Makes Fools of The London Metropolitan Police

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Ha! Here's another bit of swine food in article form. A muslim chef hired by the Metropolitan Police as head of the canteen is suing them for damages because they were disrespectful of his religion!

He said that he was expected to handle and cook pork sausages and bacon in the police canteen. When he complained the powers that be suggested that he wear gloves which makes sense to me. Just get on with it. But ... he said that it's the principle of the thing. Can someone explain this to me? Why should muslims be accorded special treatment in this area? He's the one who took the job after all.

You accepted the job just get on with it. His request to not handle pork dishes was refused of course, and rightly so. Did this fool expect the canteen services staff to hire another cook just to handle pork dishes? How preposterous can you get.

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A Gift of Love From My Mother

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I just have to share this.

My mother gave me such a wonderful gift of love yesterday when I called to wish her a belated Mother's Day.

For the first time since I've known her, she asked me how I was and she was genuinely interested. She did not talk about herself once!

And to add
honey to the pot, she then asked me if I needed help. It was so amazing and unexpected
- she really touched my heart.  I teared up and I've been savouring that brief conversation since yesterday.

Look, this might seem normal and natural to you folks out there but I grew up in unnatural surroundings. This woman is seventy years old and she is the most selfish person I know; change that to knew.

not someone that I've ever liked since I was very small but could only form a coherent opinion when I was around eight or so. That's when I stopped calling her mummy.

What an absolutely lovely gift she gave me

Thank you Marian.

Just wanted to share that.

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8 May 2009

A Random Act of Kindness

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James M Lynch has another great post Paying It Behind. It's the same principle as paying-it-forward but anonymously...

«I'm paying for myself and the woman behind me yesterday and the cashier seemed suspicious and almost a little uncomfortable. I was unsure how to briefly explain what I was doing.

I assured her I was just doing a random act of kindness and she seemed to light up and called a warm "Thank you" after me as I drove off. It was only as I was driving away that I figured out I could have said "Tell her I'm rewarding her for a good deed she'll do today". on Star of Your Own Life.

It is such a lovely and simple gesture that says so much because the response of the  receiver is not proportional to the act but to the intent behind it

The receiver and the giver connected.

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Passion and Empowerment ♥ A Difference?

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 I don't know what the heck is wrong with me except that I'm going through serious changes here and feeling very fragile and weepy and stupid and lost and I can't even blame it on my menopausal periods.

Despite the fact that I woke up with a fantastic song in my head It's a perfect day and I was actually trying to stop myself laughing out loud. That was crummy! As soon as I figure out how to add it to the bottom of my blog, I will.

Anyway, during my morning reading I came across this wonderful post by James M. Lynch Finding Your Passion Statement in the Huffington Post.

I had never heard the term PASSION STATEMENT before and it grabbed me right away; it's not like mission statement which does nothing for me. So I got to reading and goose bumps rose on my arms and I got chills as I read it. 

And that is how I came up with the post title Passion and empowerment - a difference. There might be but as far as I'm concerned, the two go hand in hand.

Think about this - what have you put off or let fall by the wayside because of obligations, lack of time or money or energy or all three that you would love to do.

"In one session she sat forward and powerfully said, "Do you know what I really want? I want women to understand their financial standing on their own, not as a 'subset' of their husband. I want women to be financially empowered."

Imagine for a minute that you could live your passion, how would your life change? How would your world be different? Doesn't that rev you up! It sure does me.

But most importantly, what is your passion? Have you written your Passion Statement as yet? 

And I would say yes, there is a difference between passion and empowerment. Your passion is the fuel; it drives you, and the ideas and plans you create empower you to put them into action.

His website Do It Yourself Life Coach has self assessment, goal setting, self image, and facing your fears toolkits and exercises to name just a few.

Serious and fun.

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6 May 2009

Swine Flu Ramblings | Are You Hysterical Too

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Don't you think this swine flu uproar is crazy? Why are people acting so hysterical? Why is this so news-y? And why are you listening to the fear-mongers? That's what the media sells you know.

And let's put this in perspective please - one thousand and thirty-eight deaths around the world does not an epidemic make!

The statistics now show that it's mainly young people in their twenties and thirties who have died in Mexico which is natural as it seems to be the point of origin.

But that says to me that their immune system was shot to hell and they were extremely unhealthy but didn't look it.

Not one obese American has died and that is damned shocking and it's made a liar of the medical profession right there too.
I heard an idiot scientist say on CNN "this is a new virus and the body doesn't know how to deal with it". I wrote it down word for word because I had never heard such crap in a long time.
The hu-man body is a superbly perfect machine that constantly regenerates itself from skin to organs and is more than capable of handing any illness or disease if we would let it, gently help it along and not pump masses of chemicals into it.
You thoughtlessly eat chemically modified foods without question. You eat cows and pigs that are pumped full of chemicals to force grow them for slaughter and you drink the cow's milk.
You eat veal - animals that never ever see sunlight and whose hooves never touch the ground in order to keep the meat white and muscle-free. Can you not understand that dis-ease and early death result from ingurgitating this stuff on a regular basis.
Have you ever seen the true size of a naturally raised chicken and compared it to the monstrosities sold in the supermarkets? From chick to ten pounds in one month... Come on people, wake up.
When will you all understand that meat eaters will always be easy prey to killer viruses that vegetarians and vegetalians will never get. <85%;">

And I'm not talking about those idiots who ended up in hospital or died from eating infected raw cheese and milk. The Amish could have taught them a thing or two, for sure.
Of course the omnipresent milk industry and lobby blamed the fact that the milk was unpasteurized which of course is total nonsense because I grew up on cow's milk still warm from the udder. But that's another story.
If you insist on eating meat cut it down to once a week; your body will have much less work to do, evacuating your bowels will stink less. Find farmers who raise their animals on grass not corn as that's chemically modified.
Do you all realize that the only profiteer in this swine business is Roche and it's shareholders with it's infamous stock of Tamiflu which they've been trying to unload on the gullible and unsuspecting public every time there's an "epidemic"? And the mask business is booming too.

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5 May 2009

Lack of Self-Worth, EFT, and Me

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Lack of self esteem, the one hour bonus session by EFT expert Margaret Lynch addresses overcoming fear and anxiety in the current climate, financial fears, anger at self for being a lousy money manager - that's me - and the lack of self worth - that's me big time!

What's interesting is I am an excellent money manager which makes the situation quite interesting. I was just into self-sabotage. I repeated the first fifteen minutes for two hours and I knew from the physical reactions I had that I was right on the money.

EFT always works you know. Sometimes the results are subtle yet profound. But when dealing with emotions that come up in a session, the results are very "visible".

It's important to understand that tapping sessions start with negative phrases to trigger emotional problem areas because you can't heal what you can't feel. So when it touches a "sore" spot it forces the feelings to surface. Here's a Youtube video introduction to EFT.

It is all a learning process, and we are all a work in progress.

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I continued from the previous night's session and when I got to the part about being angry at "someone" for my situation, I tensed. It was my last boss who was a total shit but I hadn't thought of the sucker in two years!

Anyway, the pressure dissipated then coalesced in my chest, constricting it and by the time I started on the "you are not worthy" part, I could barely speak. There was such a huge, hard lump in my throat it felt like a fist.

Then tears started running down my face like a river. I didn't think I was capable of tears. Man, I thought those tear ducts had dried up and atrophied long ago because I have cried enough tears inside to fill an ocean. Boy, was I wrong.

The flood continued for at least thirty minutes and I was tapping away all that time, as I knew I had reached the core of my problem and everything else was connected to it.

And it all leads right back to my dear old mother, Marian but that was not a surprise. I'm moving forward to work through and obliterate this mental barrier installed in childhood. I need to get to where I want to be.

As all my teachers have said of her, you cannot teach what you have not learned, or for that matter, give what you never received.
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Coincidence, EFT, Lack of Self Esteem and Self-Sabotage

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Do you understand that there's no such thing as coincidence? That when things happen you must take notice, particularly after you've made a decision or a mental demand? That's what happened to me last night.

So much is happening to me so fast that I can't write about it fast enough! And even more so, I had no intention of writing about EFT in such detail either but now I've no choice, it is taking me somewhere. Find out what EFT is all about.

After a brief but costly setback last week where I lost some potentially lucrative earnings because I took my
mind off of my objective. I've been sued and at the same time I discovered another money-making opportunity.

Everything that happened last week was my fault because
I deliberately let myself get distracted by another person's emotional, needy attack which I refused to fulfill. Each of us is wholly responsible for our emotional well-being. Now I'm focussing more on the emotional issue than my business.

But it's raised the very issue that I'm working on right now so that's not a coincidence.

The fear that I won't be able to take care of myself or secure my financial future has always terrified me and has been my driving force throughout my life from the time I got my first job.

The lack of self-worth instilled in me through physical, sexual and psychological abuse is pretty damned impressive and coupled with the "you don't have the right to succeed" mantra is what's brought me to this point. Got to deal with it.

When it finally penetrated the fog that had grown around me in the past weeks that the old tape was playing again and I was dancing to it's tune with the customary self-sabotage, I got very scared, again.

Because I have no one to depend on but myself and my negative thoughts are bringing me exactly what I don't want.

So when I said out loud last night that I need help to bring an end the constant self-negation, guess what happened ... I heard an email ping, went to check it - it was a message from Nick Ortner of TryItOnEverything.

He was also the organizer of the EFT Summit which ended last week. It included a bonus tapping session with Margaret Lynch, Success Coach. Here's another helpful blog by an EFT practitioner talking about her work in more detail.

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4 May 2009

Improve Sleep Quality With EFTWizard Brad Yates

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As promised here's the seven-minute "Tap o' the evening" EFT session with Brad Yates; to help empty your mind of all the frustrations and irritations, anger and the other useless stuff picked up during the day.

Even if you didn't accomplish as much as you would have liked or said something you wish you hadn't or maybe not in the right way, you still have the right to love, respect and forgive yourself; and have a good night's sleep - essential for health and well-being!

And as I've said before, take responsibility for your emotions. If they unexpectedly arise, take note of what it is and continue tapping. If you don't think you can deal with your emotional issues on your own, find an EFT practitioner in your area, have a telephone consult or quite simply,
don't start EFT tapping if you're not prepared to face yourself.
Here's the link to all the EFTwizard videos. Click on the more info link on the top right under his photo. His website as previously discussed is chock-a-block with techniques for whatever ails you.

Make a great day for yourself.

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3 May 2009

A Morning Jumpstart With EFT To Attract Abundance

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I have to share this EFT video that Brad Yates put together a morning jumpstart video. It directs your attention to positivity and just plain old goodness and abundance.
It's like opening your arms wide and embracing the rising sun; seven minutes is not that long, is it? EFT is good for almost anything that ails you.

... works on almost anything that ails you, emotional, mental, or physical,
Gary Craig - EFT Founder
It works by lightly tapping on specific meridian points on the body as used in Chinese medicine. It is important however that you take responsibility for your own well-being.

 Tap o' the Morning

Sublime is the only word I can use to describe it after I started the morning tapping this week. It's almost as good as early morning sex.

Because all physical ailments are first manifested emotionally, clearing the blockages (long-held false beliefs), lead to mental, emotional and eventually physical healing. But the proviso is that you continue EFT tapping to break through the blockage or consult an expert practitioner.

And as with all matters that affect body and mind, all EFT expert practitioners, and I am not one, advise that you consult your medical practitioner if you have any doubts about this technique.

Brad has free videos on Youtube, in addition to what's on, covering issues like love, fears about money, self esteem, and such.

His recommendations about which EFT sites would be useful for particular issues are quite helpful.

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1 May 2009

Lack of Self Worth Means You're Dirt!

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Lack of self worth and the desire to earn more money is my ultimate obstacle but happily, EFT tapping is helping me clear the negative emotions that accompany the negative self-talk, and get to the root of the problem.

I am uncovering the limiting beliefs I didn't know I had about money; learned as a child from observing my mother.

Pretending everything is okay when it's not is poisonous. Ignoring obvious signals and then discover that I was self-sabotaging all along is disheartening. That's hard to admit but I was living that until a month ago.

It all started when I decided that I wanted a new level of income by December 2009 and my first million by December 2010. I have since discovered that I have a success thermostat that's keeping me lower than where I want to be. This discovery is fascinating.

Here's Brad Yates explaining the success thermostat.

Since I uncovered this monster in the closet, I understand why I was worrying what people would think. Low self esteem encourages us to accept less than the best, as I have on occasion. And that is so not my style but I still didn't pay attention!

I have always treated life and work as a battle since I started my first "proper" job at eighteen. A few years ago my psychologist helped me to understand that it was necessary for my survival due to the abuse and the decades of depression I had endured.

However, if I had not used my rage to pull myself up, I would probably have ended up in jail, dead or worse as a prostitute or drug addict.

It never dawned on me that deciding to increase my income in order to live the life I dream of for myself would have such repercussions!

My life is one hell of an amazing adventure not always happy but boy, does it make me think.

The lesson here is when things start to go wrong and bad thoughts become the norm of the day, STOP. Take a step back and re-evaluate. It probably means you are going against the flow - upstream. That's my pity story for today.

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