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30 Jun 2010

A Dedication To All The Fathers Out There

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I've been hearing this song almost every night for the past two weeks and it is so touching that I want to dedicate it to all those wonderful and often under-appreciated fathers out there.

Here's to you great guys!

Dance With My Father Again

Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me
Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
One final step, one final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never, ever end
‘Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father

Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
And I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I’m prayin’ for much too much
But could You send back the only man she loved
I know You don’t do it usually
But Lord, she’s dyin’ to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream.

––Luther Vandross
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29 Jun 2010

Top Ten Facts About WOMEN In The World Today... A Reminder

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WASHINGTON - SEPTEMBER 16:  Eleanor Smeal, Fem...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Women in the world today do not have it easy in any respect. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is the key word here. Here are some facts, as a reminder on what we are up against from

And I don't consider myself a feminist because I do not like labels or categories - I refuse that - as one of my favourite rappers Eminem said I am whatever you say I am.

  1. Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.
  2. Only 17 percent of the seats in the US Congress are held by women.
  3. One out of every 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.
  4. One out of every 6 women will be sexually assaulted and/or raped in her lifetime.
  5. Although 48 percent of law school graduates and 45 percent of law firm associates are female, women make up only 22 percent of US federal-level and 26 percent of state-level judgeships.
  6. Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women in the US, females earn less than men; only one career – speech pathology – pays the same regardless of gender.
  7. America's top female CEOs earn, on average, 33 cents for every dollar earned by a male CEO.
  8. There is nothing in the US Constitution that guarantees women the same rights as a man. There is no guarantee of equal rights for women in any legal document or any piece of legislation!
  9. Despite previous attempts to ratify a UN treaty guaranteeing the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the US refuses to support an international bill of rights for women signed by nearly every other nation on the planet.
  10. The World Economic Forum's 2009 report on the Global Gender Gap ranked 134 countries for gender parity. The US didn't even make the top 10 – it came in at number 31.

And the struggle goes on, pacifically. We are the smarter of the sexes after all, so let's show it shall we and create the world we want for ourselves and our children (girls in particular)!

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27 Jun 2010

Pay Attention To The Way You Feel!

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This is my good news day. How do you feel most of the day? Do you know? Are you even aware of the specific emotions you feel when the occur? 

Here's a heads up about life and being in the moment from some of my favourite teachers. It is high time you started paying attention to the way you feel!

Brad Yates, EFT Expert extraordinaire is one of the most heart-connected people I know and in the final video he is tapping for the superlative event 40-Day Oneness which began on 21 June. You can also Learn Emotional Freedom Technique and how it could benefit you.

The 40-Day Oneness Event is based on the book The Proof: A 40-Day Program for Embodying Oneness. It began on 21 June and runs till 1 August 2010. However, you can do it at any time alone or with a group of friends which is what I like about it.

It is all about love and light. Join up and spread the word.

Before You Became Physical

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Children

There is not a stream of badness and a stream of goodness, or sickness or wellness. There is only a Stream of Well-being. The question that you're wanting to ask yourself is, "In this moment, am I letting it in or not? Am I allowing it or am I not? ––Abraham/Hicks

Embracting The Light - 40-Day Event (for worldwide one-ness). EFT with Brad Yates

It is time that you choose to know that you are light! Follow yours ––  It is the only freedom there is.

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26 Jun 2010

Control Is About Letting Go

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A gentle reminder from a previous post on how to release the need to control. Control is all about letting go as I have discovered. 

Yes, it is terrifying idea for those who desperately hang onto this need for dear life and as I know to my detriment, fighting on no matter what brings incredible pain and little result. 

Love yourself some more and let go!

I am a person of worth regardless of circumstances. I have unbounded hope for the future. I am lovable, I am significant, I am whole.
Wonderfully exciting things are in store for me. My future is not tied to the past. I am free. I am always okay.

I'm always learning and growing and getting better. I am satisfied and content with where I am right now.
Because where  I am is constantly changing to something better. I am grateful to see new changes every time I look for them.
I love everyone. We are all different and we all have value and worth. I want truth and love in my relationships.
I receive all good things by surrendering to love and faith. I am releasing the urge to control everything around me.

I can be who I am and be loved. I will believe and live the truth of who I am. I intend to live in truth and in love, and do what I need to do in my life.
I am capable. I can do it. Others don't have to do it for me. I have a say over my life.

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25 Jun 2010

What Values Do You Personify?

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meditationImage by alicepopkorn via Flickr
What are you, and by that I mean what values do you personify which enables you to accomplish what you set out to do on any particular day? 

Why this topic... well, I awoke with the thought – I am love – I am life – I am heart – so I made it my meditation mantra this morning.

With that, it seems natural to know how to boost your energy, clear you mind and tone your body: do the Five Tibetans Ritual. It is downright fabulous and it reaffirms feelings of love for myself and others; sometimes that is a real challenge!

Practise one of these every day Justice (upholding the natural laws), Beauty, Love, Compassion, Peace, Kindness, Joy, Laughter, Giving, Receiving, Allowing, Strength, Forgiveness, Mercy, Tenderness, Prosperity, Riches (abundance in all things), Friendship, Happiness, Tolerance, Trust (in Infinite Intelligence), Hope, Knowledge, Harmony, Faith (you know what you know) Positivity, Confidence, Communication, Grace, Gratitude...? 

This is my list by the way so go ahead and create your own or modify this one. I created it after adopting a suggestion from Deepak Chopra's The Keys to Knowledge and Riches – translated from French – to practise and live a particular value each day. I did that a few times and now I choose to live one value each year. This year, it is Compassion.

Life goals do not change

Our feelings change throughout the day but our core values do not and our life goal does not change either, even when we do not know what it is. As I am sure most of you know, we find out what we do not like first of all before getting to the good part. 

Innate talent takes work
I know we each have one. For instance Oprah understood many years ago that she is a teacher (her words).  Of course that does not mean that one automatically assumes the mantle of values such a "vocation" requires. 

The talent may be innate but life lessons are required to flesh them out and make them bloom. Yes, you have to grow into who you are and what you are. It takes work! 

Meditation techniques to clear out the crud

Ed and Deb Shapiro's 3 mini meditations to help you through your day or night get you in a self-reflection mood where you can work on your core values

Your mind is like a garden so plant happy seeds -  Ed and Deb's fabulous Pulling Weeds Meditation

If you believe that you cannot meditate or do not have enough time or it seems so complicated, try these One Moment Meditation and work up. You will be amazed!

How about Fertilising the garden of the heart. After all, your heart is the centre of your being and that spells l.o.v.e. It is what we are all about after all.

My values may be different from yours, and I have no right to be the moral judge of anyone's values. It is important, however, to have core values, and respect them. Without values, we become spiritually bankrupt. ––Deepak Chopra
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24 Jun 2010

Do You Have The Answers You Need For Success?

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Do you have the answers you need for success? First of all, forget about being liked or being like everyone else! That's pretty damn awful and in any case, it's impossible. I lived it, so I know.

Never conform to the big group. Listen to the fabulous Earl Nightingale tell you how to think deliberately and with purpose.

The Strangest Secret (1of 3)

The Strangest Secret (2 of 3)

The Strangest Secret (3 of 3)

Don't concern yourself too much with how you are going to achieve your goal - leave that completely to a power greater than yourself. All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord, and at the right time. Earl Nightingale
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23 Jun 2010

Raise Your Vibration Ladies!

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Today's post is all about raising your vibrations ladies. Yes Ma'am!

You see, being female, authentic and walking my talk is straightforward most days.

It is very easy for me to say "no" – firmly, without malice or forethought and unequivocally without any explanation.

On other days, it is downright tough when I react emotionally (thoughts...) to the other person's reaction to my "no".

What is great about these intermittent trying times is that they present an opportunity to get rid of some more internal garbage. So I thought to post some interesting videos from Ellie Drake's Braveheart Women TV to raise your vibration ladies. Please overdo!

Get A Soulgasm with Conscious Evolution - Barbara Marx Hubbard

Learn to Stop Emotional Chaos with Terri Amos-Britt

How Wild Fruit Can Raise Your Vibration 
with Mariel Hemingway

Are You Alkaline? Find Out How Not To Be Tired, Puffy... 
with Chef Kelly Redford Young

Stuck? Raise Your Vibration With This!

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20 Jun 2010

Have You Discovered Your Passion Yet? 3 Boosters to Hook You Up

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Here's my good news post and it's all about passion. Have you discovered your passion yet?

If not, why not because I am sure that there are things you love to do, that fire you up, that you can't stop talking about. Here are 3 boosters to hook you up:
  • do you know what you're passionate about? most people don't and they have also to quote him "squelched theirs because they couldn't figure out how to earn a living with them.  Instead they took jobs they were good at ... something that could pay the bills. it doesn't have to be this way."
  • tune into your passion.
  • what makes you giddy with excitement?
  • what makes you feel fulfilled?
  • what are you passionate about? 
  • what breaks your heart?
  • what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
  • what makes you feel like you've contributed
Great article; be sure to complete the exercise that accompanies it. 

  • we all have a reason to be here and whether or not you believe that is irrelevant. you are going to find it and it is going to find you; it's where your life experiences are leading. Spend quality time doing the exercise and surprise yourself (maybe).

Corneille Ewango is a hero of the Congo forest - This is passion people!

I exhort you all to BE authentic in your lives and live your passion now!
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19 Jun 2010

Mother Earth's Ocean Landscape and Her Children

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A West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus), a ...Image via Wikipedia
I reserve my weekend posts for GOOD NEWS but with the scum suckers at BP destroying our environment, I thought it rather timely to, again, share perspectives about Mother Earth's ocean landscape and her children.

Peter Tyack: The intriguing sound of marine mammals

Brian Skerry reveals ocean's glory -- and horror

Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean

Mike deGruy: Hooked by an octopus

A most perfect of finishes is this poem from Michael Jackson and Deepak Chopra - Planet Earth
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18 Jun 2010

You Are What You're Looking For!

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This is probably the shortest article I've ever posted but man is it worth it.

What people really want is to be fully themselves. They want the sense of aliveness, of being myself fully. But they want it through this, that, or the other. 

They don't realize that nothing can give it to you because you already have it. And not only do you have it, you are it, you are what you're looking for already. You don't know that because you're always looking somewhere else. 

You can only know that in the Now by aligning yourself with the Now and with the power that is there within you. 

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17 Jun 2010

Fertilising The Garden of the Heart

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hearts ♥ brick-red ♥ brecciated jasper & black...Image by oedipusphinx via Flickr
While in meditation and working on my energy centres (chakras) I saw my heart chakra as a garden; a lush, green and vibrant garden which got me to thinking about the garden of the heart. 

So I started wondering how many of us consciously pay attention to this garden of the heart and nurture it as we would lovingly tend to a normal garden?

Do we weed out the grasses which obscure our view (thought processes)? How do we till and fertilise the "soil" ensuring that it remains rich so that the seeds sown grow and bloom in a healthy and vigorous manner?

I am looking for answers just like everyone else and quite by chance (no such thing) I found Ed and Deb Shapiro's Listen to your heart not your head. They say:

  1. Your heart is so much more than a vessel for romance. It has been described as a King and the mind are the advisers. The King may listen to advice but in the end makes the decision based on a larger view and the overall needs of others. Great analogy.
  2. When faced with a decision or conflict, the mind may suggest logical solutions but listening and trusting your heart no matter how illogical or irrational usually results in a happier you.
  3. Your heart is your compass in all things.
  4. The mind, though inherently brilliant and capable creates unnecessary drama and distractions. And as well all know, it is no fun living in your head all the time. I can vouch for that and I bet you can too!
  5. The mind is the content of who you are and your heart is your essence. Your true heart is not subject to chaos or limited by pain, fear and neuroses, but is joyful, creative and loving. 
  6. The heart is a source of great richness and it cannot be squandered or lost. It is the core, the essence of your being, a reservoir of joy, powerful love and infinite compassion that lies within you.

Reflect on these words; they are juicy and deep and they answer the deep questions. However, we all have to find our own way, don't we.

I believe that meditation is the key to living a heart-filled, joyous life then my questions become moot because it tends to smooth things out.

It doesn't help us avoid any of life's ups and downs but with it we manage so much better.  

Ed and Deb Shapiro have included a wonderful heart meditation at the end of their article to assist you and I in fertilizing the garden of the heart, and I have also included some interesting articles for your reading pleasure.
Let me know if it works for you, and whether you other ways of dealing with life's heart challenges? Do share.
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13 Jun 2010

GOOD NEWS: Music To Move You!

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Range violinImage via Wikipedia
Okay peeps, here are some goodies for my, you guessed it, good news weekend. 

This time it's all about music to move you; haunt, touch, inspire and lift you all at the same time from the incredibly wonderful TEDTalks.

Indie singer Sophie Hunger

Nathalie Merchant sings new poems to life

Natalie MacMaster fiddles in reel time

If this doesn't get you, I don't know what will and it's not normally the kind of music I listen to this is special! I hope you enjoy it!

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12 Jun 2010

How Accepting and Loving of Yourself Are You?

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Ed and Deb Shapiro have written a wonderful article on HuffPost, Intimacy -- Into Me, I See; Into Me, You See. I have included an excerpt but you really ought to read the full article. They include a simple meditation technique for accepting and loving yourself. That's my good news post. Have an absolutely sparkling weekend y'all!

Intimacy implies letting someone else get close to us to see all our secrets and hidden places. An intimate relationship means that we are willing to let go of our defenses and be seen by another for who we are, including all of our vulnerabilities and weaknesses -- into me you see -- which can be terrifying.

Intimacy can cause fear, apprehension, even a shutdown of feelings. Rather than exploring the longed-for togetherness, it can all get too overwhelming, causing us to retreat back into our separate corners, hesitant to reach out again.

Intimacy is not something that can be forced or pulled out of a hat; it comes through the letting go of resistance, through softening and opening to ourselves and to each other.
Meditation and Intimacy

Meditation enables us to accept discomfort instead of trying to smooth over or deny the bumps. We can accept embarrassment and shame, gently embracing whatever is there. Accepting ourselves as we are is immensely liberating. As one of our teachers said, "never be embarrassed by yourself."

Accepting and Loving Myself! Meditation
Find a comfortable place to sit with your back straight and close your eyes. Become aware of your breath. Silently repeat three times: "I am aware that I am breathing." 

Your breath is your best friend ... the closer you are to your breath, the greater the feeling of inner peace. Now bring awareness to your physical body. Silently repeat three times: "I am aware of the whole of my body." 

Visualize your body as if it were a temple ... you live in this temple your whole life... know that your body is a blessing, a great gift.

Now focus awareness to the center of your heart ... breathe into this space, into your heartspace ... your heart is like a beautiful flower opening in the sun. Silently repeat three times: "I am aware of my heart opening." 

Your life is a gift to be cherished ... treasure yourself always. Silently repeat: "My breath is my friend ... my body is my temple ... my heart is open and loving." 

When you are ready, take a deep breath and open your eyes. 

So how accepting and loving of yourself are you? Practise the meditation and come back and share your results with me. I would love to know how it went. 
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11 Jun 2010

Who Are We, Really; Do You Know?

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Who are we, really? Do you know who you are, do you? And what are your really made of? These questions came up while I was mentally raging at someone and deciding how to blast them. 

But actually I was just venting my because I knew it would be an exercise in futility; talking to the "deaf" is a waste of time!

However, I had to work through the angst somehow and that in turn segued into "who am I really", "why am I wasting my time with this shite. I am so fedup with this situation; let me dig down and see what I'm really made of". That's how it all started.


So after my "fit", I closed my eyes, went into a meditative state and and mentally started stripping. Off came my clothes - that's not who I am. Then I ripped my skin off every part of my body in sheets. I could see the veins, capillaries, muscles, fat and all that red flesh and bulging eyes. That still wasn't me.

To bare bones and tendons

So I went further and ripped the flesh off my bones. Now that I was clothed only in the tendons which were holding my bones together, I carefully looked over my skeleton frame. It was like any other skeleton, just bare bones; nothing special and I still hadn't discovered who I am.

A skeletal mess of bare bones

So I decided to go further. Started at my feet, I ripped off the tendons and clack went the foot which separated from the leg bone and crashed to the floor. Huh, the body was now weirdly lopsided.

Did the same with the other foot and clack and thump went that one too. Now I was nice and even on my bony stumps. I continued stripping until my  bared bones were sprawled clumsily on the floor save for my left arm, the only one still attached to my shoulder.

So what's left?

I then plucked out my brain and squished it because I knew that it wasn't the seat of my thoughts. Then I did the same to my heart and other organs and after all of that, I was still thinking!

So I'm definitely not my thoughts but from where then do they originate? None of that stuff is what we think of as the individual "me", obviously.

We are definitely not... that

I concluded from my little but rather lengthy experiment that in spite of the undeniable fact of our physical bodies – and most people think that is who they are – which allow us to experience this world, we are definitely not that and I am not that either. So what am I, what are we?

We are much much bigger. At the end, I ended up with an unseen weight in the palm of my hand. I don't know how that suddenly occurred but it did and I have no idea what it was. Is that the sum of who I am, who we are as individuals? No way to tell.

And we are... more than skin, bones and flesh

So what are we then? Who are we, who am I? And where do my, yours, our thoughts come from after we are stripped of our bones?

All I can say is that it felt as if we are living within a gigantic mind and our individual minds – which are not attached to our physical bodies – feed into it thus creating our own realities.

That in turn tells me that WE are all so much more than skin and bones and flesh.

We ARE an undefinable essence – a sort of Presence – unseen yet tangible, energising and animating all. 

What do you think dear reader - do you believe we are more than the sum of our parts or are we just a bunch of perfectly functioning cells run by a superb machine called the brain? Do let me know.
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10 Jun 2010

Our Ocean's Health

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With what's going on in the Gulf of Mexico, I wanted to add this to underscore what's at stake, for those who  might still be in the dark. It is all about our ocean's health. We (the world) are losing the micro-life that sustains everything under the water and in the sand, every single bloody day because of this disastrous, murderous actions by BP. I feel like crying!

National Geographic's Exploring Oceans: An Overview

Watch this wonderful Relaxation Meditation: Sunset Over The Ocean on Youtube (embed code unavailable) to de-stress your from the horrors.

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9 Jun 2010

Life Is Just About Loving: Get Started Loving Today

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The thought for today is about love; the global (compassion) kind and the love for that special someone.

I'm thinking about love because of this luscious man that I unexpectedly met and quite by chance too since I definitely wasn't looking; I have enough on my plate as it is.

Life is about loving

I have been thinking about the world of complications he's going to bring into my life right now. And as I sat pondering, I decided to surf his Facebook page  and something shifted right then. 

I don't know what exactly but I saw a photo of his sister and with that came the realisation that life is just about loving. There are no hard and fast rules here. We mess it up lots of times but you know what, it does not matter!

So we fucked up, big deal. So it's not what we thought, so what! The only choice we have is to live the hand we are dealt; there is always something there for us. 

Love self first

We are all here to learn and love, ourselves first and foremost and then the rest because if we cannot love ourselves, nobody sure as hell is gonna love us. 

We meet people along the way who hurt us, maybe even hate us, denigrate us, disrespect us, and all that sort of stuff and what we must take from it is this – we are here to experience the divine in the flesh.

And when we surface from the bracing cold of wintery experiences, we shake ourselves off, warm up and move on.

Stuckness = more growth

Sometimes we seem to stay stuck (forever) but this stuckness brings us more "goodies" in the form of evolutionary growth material. Sure it's violently painful at times and often, we feel more like we are drowning instead of treading in deep waters. 

But we do make it through when we stop resisting and allow ourselves to embrace the pain (as I know all too well). Everything then (bizzarely) sort of slips into place. Growth doesn't get any better than that.

Stop searching for happiness

Life doesn't get any better than this. So stop this nonsense about searching for happiness. Happiness is internal not external. When you get it you try to trap it thereby forcing its premature departure. 

Enjoy what you are doing now, if you can't love it. Be grateful for what you have and where you are right now. Better yet, go find what you love to do even if it's a hobby and get started loving today!

Have a wonderful day people.
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8 Jun 2010

Getting Old Is A Bitch When You Reap What You Sow

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I recently witnessed an incredible scene of cruelty and utter disdain between a mother and her child which brought to mind the old adage "you reap what you sow" and in this case, getting old is really a bitch!

Martyrdom is the mother's stock in trade and has been adopted by her daughter as well but that doesn't make the scene right, does it. It went like this:

No more painkillers

The elder is in her seventies and recently had a knee replaced. There are painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics which she has to take at regular intervals to avoid the excruciating pain.

Her pain medication ran out in the night and she only revealed this the next day. She also did not tell anyone that she was on her last packet of medication which is part of her martyrdom syndrome.

Since I was the first person awake in the house, I checked on her and heard
the story about the painkillers. In the interim since there was nothing I could do about her discomfort, I made her as comfortable as possible, gave her breakfast and went about my business after telling her to inform her caretaker as soon as she came downstairs.

Perhaps a solution

I returned four hours later to discover that her prescription had not been refilled and she was still in pain - the pharmacy is two minutes away by car and ten minutes each way on foot. The woman's daughter - self-identified caretaker - went about her daily chores and left her parent grimacing on her bed. 

When I bluntly asked why, she as usual, stoutly defended her obese and wealthy daughter - saying "she told her that she may have some of the same medication "somewhere" upstairs and will look for it".

By this time the woman had been in constant pain for approximately eight hours. She herself is also obese so it was like double jeopardy for her to move between her bathroom and the bed with her walker.

Medication found

When the woman's daughter noticed my presence, she promptly disappeared. It seems she had gone to her bedroom to finally search for those famous painkillers she wasn't sure she had but which she subsequently produced in a matter of minutes; then disappeared again with a huge, long-suffering sigh like what a chore.

Lessons learned

People really do reap what they sow and it is amazing to see it in action this way. This woman was a terrible mother: disinterested, cruel, selfish, vindictive, inflexible, manipulative, lazy, careless of her children's well-being; one of her sons was repeatedly raped by one of her friends before he was ten and she blamed her son.

She was physically abusive to all of her children, particularly the eldest, and she is well-liked in her community because she does a lot for them. It also does not surprise me that she had to have a knee replaced! There's a tale there as well!

From observation, I realise that the daughter is getting her revenge because she is now the "mother" and main provider and her word is law.

She demonstrates the same vindictiveness, pettiness, and selfishness on a regular basis and she is violently supported by her "mammie" in whatever she says and does.  What goes around, comes around. It is scarily fascinating! That is the unhealthy co-dependency which they both seem to need. That is my mother and sister!

When you reap what you sow
You will never be in the know
You will suffer
Pain, degradation and deprivation
Humiliation and lack of care 
Secret incomprehension
Inner anger and heartfelt sorrow
And still not be in the know
That's because you're reaping what you sow'd

When you reap what you sow
Frustration, guilt and sorrow
Is what you owe
It brings you down low

Self-justification and defensiveness
A mortal cocktail mix
Don't be astounded
To feel sick and wounded
Recuperation and rehabilitation slow
When you reap what you sow.
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